revisited a couple sega genesis games and not feeling them nowadays

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revisited a couple sega genesis games and not feeling them nowadays

Post by georgiaboi372 »

the first game that doesn't do it for me anymore is Street of Rage 2. the repetitiveness wears on you.. i'ma leave it at that.

the second game is Aladdin. the level design is pretty trash and the combat system is really cheap.

not to be so negative towards these games, i appreciate them for what they are and see why an audience enjoys them but from a todays standpoint personally i would rather play Dynamite Cop for Dreamcast than pop in Streets of Rage. and as far as Disney games for the Genesis i prefer Lion King even tho its hard af and the holiness that is Toy Story.

would you agree? what's your opinion? have you ever felt a lack of a good experience when revisiting a old game?

Posts: 32

Re: revisited a couple sega genesis games and not feeling them nowadays

Post by Dbarker89 »

Back in the day Streets of Rage 2 was the business, admittedly it does takes lot of patience to get back into now.

I do have to shut off the niggling voice in the back if my head, which usually switches off around the level with the motorbikes lol.

Two player however feels a different story, when your playing side by side with a friend; I am comfortable with the game from the get go. Same goes for Golden Axe.

Old games can grind, revisiting can definitely change your perception. I personally only have Dreamcast hooked up in the house, all other systems including current gen systems are stored in the loft.

Dreamcast is old, yet timeless to me. I am not revisiting, I am simply picking up from where I left off. The glitzy graphics on an Xbox One or PS4 does nothing for me, just style and little substance.

One would be fair to say the Dreamcast is the only system I am using as a way to condition myself, but you'll find no complaints from me :P

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Re: revisited a couple sega genesis games and not feeling them nowadays

Post by krssn »

Unfortunately Dynamite Cop is over before you know it.

The game felt more like an extended demo than a complete game.

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