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Hello, everybody!

Post by Stout936 »

Hi, all, my name is Caleb. I'm a long-time retro games enthusiast, but only a recent Dreamcast owner. I never had one as a kid (though a couple of my friends did, so I did play some games back in the day), but I'd always had a passive interest the platform. That all changed when a video essay about Sonic Adventure somehow sent me down a Dreamcast rabbit hole that resulted in me owning two Dreamcasts, a pair of lightguns, a fishing controller, and a slew of VMUs. I don't know what possessed me, but I'm all-in on catching up on the games I missed as a kid.

I'd intended to only buy one Dreamcast, but I goofed and accidentally bought a VA2 on eBay instead of one that I could drop an ODE into. It turned out to be an incredibly disgusting unit that was completely covered in cigarette tar and grime. One deep cleaning and laser calibration later, and it's now a very nice console. The second Dreamcast is fully decked out with a replacement shell (factory one needs retrobrighted), a GDEMU, and a new power supply.

Recommendations on what I should play are greatly appreciated