Can you help me clarify some VGA box mod things please?

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Can you help me clarify some VGA box mod things please?

Post by Dorimukasuto »

Hello guy, i'm new here, and i hope i will have fun and get some help for my DC.

Dreamcast looks stunning in vga, its no debate. But did sega bothered to make vga out? No! Why its beyond me.

There are a lot of tutorials on internet on how to make one, but they have some things in common, they are contradictionry...some say it works, some say it wont. Some say simple viring without resistors etc works some it wont work with resistors..there is NO definitive guide on how to make dreamcast vga out and with all the warnings, variations revisions of consoles and their differences...

But the reason i made this thread is because i want to make one, but i dont have money to wasre so im cautious!!!

Also i want to know werry well what im about to do before i do it.

Ok so, this is label of my console..can you help me based on that because....


Bexause here is contradictions i found and i dont know wht there are contradictions in the first place. I would love someone with more knowledge in tech stuff and dreamcast hardware to help me...

First this dude, showing vga cable that looks like regular cable for dc but with vga end instead of scart or rgb..


Second is this..
Now why would i use so much complicationsof buying or building this thing when i can use regular dc cable and connect it to vga end...


Thisd is this....this is internal vga box that i wanted to do.. i mean i still do but..just read....

This is what confused me a lot, this and that plain simple cable i posted abowe.
Now listwn to this guy!


My dreamcast is also revision 1 as his...does that mean recision 1 dreamcasts dont need BOX things, just a simple reviring??


Can someone clarify this thing once and for all, please?!

Well i mate this threat on GBA temp, but i think this is much beter place for this topic :)

Also i herad something about Samsung LCD tv's and that you need some synchro buffer...whatever that is...i was thinking on just doing that mmmonkey website mod and be done with it, i never thought it would be this complicated

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