Dark Souls/Bloodborne

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Dark Souls/Bloodborne

Post by shinerbock »

Hey there,

I was just wondering if any other Dreamcast fans also love the "Souls" games (Demon's Souls/Dark Souls/Dark Souls 2) and are looking forward to Bloodborne on the PS4. Can't explain why, but just about all other games on the PS3 and PS4 just feel watered down to me in comparison. My gaming these days seems to consist of playing Dark Souls and various Dreamcast games (had a great round of Starlancer last night!).

Playing the "Souls" games reminds me a bit of when I played Soul Reaver on DC back in the day, mostly because of the incredible atmosphere that game created - I remember getting really into the story. I still like to pop it in and take a tour of Nosgoth every once in a while.



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Re: Dark Souls/Bloodborne

Post by BnGamesReviews »

I really did not like the souls games, but the co-op aspect of Bloodborne has caught my attention.

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Re: Dark Souls/Bloodborne

Post by hudsthinking1999 »

I didn't play any of the Soul or Bloodborne games, but I do have some PlayStation memories, like mashing buttons in PaRappa to get a good score, defeating my friends in games of Star Wars Demolition, and walking around as Tech's-Neck-Jim in Treasure Planet (I used to think it was good, but I'm considering taking it back now).

But I also have memories with more recent PlayStation consoles, too. On PS3, I remember putting a bunch of cheats into Saints Row 2 and stealing people's cars, just to blow them up again, playing Bonanza Bros. and Streets of Rage with my brothers in the Ultimate Genesis Collection, and James deleting my Sonic Generations save just because it was on his account! :evil:

But no matter how good PlayStation gets in the future, I'll always come back to the Dreamcast for great entertainment. :)
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