Updates from our source

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Posts: 71

Updates from our source

Post by ZachMorrisFGN »

This is a run down of the information our source has been supplying to us.

-There shall be a Sonic launch title for the Wii U. It will not be a main series game. Our source describes the game as using the touch screen heavily to activate power-ups and collect items. He reports that the development team is disappointed at the capacitative screen not allowing multi touch. It shall use an upgraded version of the Hedgehog engine and switch between 2D and 3D perspectives. The game is currently early in development.

-Sonic 4 Episode 2 is currently on the back-burner as a large team is focused on Sonic Generations and another team is experimenting with different Wii U concepts. Our source is quoted as saying "don't be surprised if you don't see the game for another year at least."

-The debate over arcade hardware and its timing is ongoing. Engineers are hesitant to release a board now due to the unknown specs of the next Microsoft and Sony consoles and non-final specs of the Wii U. The board would need to provide easy porting to those systems.

-Aliens: Colonial Marines is targeting an early May 2012 launch. The Wii U version remains a curiosity that Gearbox is experimenting with.

We shall continue to provide more information as our source allows.