What games would be a good fit to be ported to DC?

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Re: What games would be a good fit to be ported to DC?

Post by dubcity »

Amphetamine 2d platformer

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Ian Micheal
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Re: What games would be a good fit to be ported to DC?

Post by Ian Micheal »

dubcity wrote:Amphetamine 2d platformer
I will be looking into this please if any one wants to beat me to it dont use sdl in kos ports it's leaky broken slow mess

Use my update for sdl for kos 2.0


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Re: What games would be a good fit to be ported to DC?

Post by Maztr_0n »

Honestly, the original sims would be perfect for the DC! I think graphically the PC version would run fine on the system and it looked pretty period appropriate for games of the time + KB+M support would make it the best way to play it on console compared to the actual console versions we got, also i love how surprisingly darkly satirical the game is. Not sure if all the expansion packs would be able to fit into the game, but probably at least everything up to vacation?

Also maybe the first 2 fallout games, it would be nice to have a console fallout before 3 that isn't brotherhood of steel! Hehe

Midtown Madness would be interesting to see on the DC as well, driving around late 90's Chicago like a crazy person would bring in the finest Driver/GTA3 Vibes!

Also one that i know will never happen... but an Animal Crossing (GCN) or a game like that, imagine the VMU having that GBA island and what not? i mean the OG animal crossing was just an N64 Game running on a Gamecube, so really it was never a graphical powerhouse to begin with. Maybe even a Story of Seasons game?
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Re: What games would be a good fit to be ported to DC?

Post by Maztr_0n »

honestly i've thought of even more games, although i'm not claiming to be any kind of tech expert or anything, i dont know what its like to even put any game on the dreamcast, i'm just using surface level context clues of games i have played before, although i did kind of notice that most if not all of these games are kind of Odd-Ball PC games, so as much as they fit. I wouldn't be shocked if many would not want to see many of these games on DC, but i think they'd fit so here's my odd list:

MDickie Titles [Hard Time, World War Alpha, The You Testament, ETC| Mid-Late 2000's]: whatever you personally think of them, they are pretty famous (or infamous) Indie games on PC that could probably work on dreamcast, those who dont know MDickie is an Indie Dev who's been active since iirc the late 90's and early 2000's most if not all of his games (at least the 3D PC titles) are run off a home-made Wrestling game engine but vary a lot in genre, such as Action RPGs [Hard Time, The You Testament] to simulation games [Popscene] to even Action-Casual Strategy Games [World War Alpha] They arent known for being the biggest or graphical games for their era but honestly dont look too bad compared to even below average 3D Dreamcast games considering its just 1 guy, while i dont expect the sim games to work without requiring the KB + M, the more Action oriented games like Hard Time could do just fine with a controller! (they also could work alright without the second stick.) Even if the 3D PC titles areout of the question, there are 2D adaptations that were put on mobile & OUYA that would work for the console, i always quite liked hard time, even somewhat unironically so i think it would be a fine game for Dreamcast.

Facade [2005]:
I'll admit this isn't much of a "GAME" [More like a Interactive AI Drama] but like MDickie Games, Facade is quite famous/infamous as a Free PC title. For those unaware the premise is basically you being invited to a married couples apartment to hang out, but slowly it devolves into the two arguing and its basically up to you to try to save their marriage (or not). The game relies on you typing in real time so obviously you would NEED a keyboard and mouse [or if you must use a controller, you'd use the controller like a mouse with the keyboard] and game mechanics aside, there is a thousand or so audio files that could fit on a GD-Rom/GDi but obviously if put on CD those would need to be compressed quite a bit, but if its possible it would be quite an interesting pop-in, the game was pretty early for AI Tech which is why it became famous awhile back for youtube lets players to basically just mess with the game and say random shit to the two people, so really there isnt much replay value after you get every ending but i would be lying to say if i didnt revisit the title on occasion even just ironically to mess around with the game. Just like the DC it was quite ahead of its time in terms of storytelling and AI Tech.

Stardew Valley [2017]:
I mentioned in my first reply that a "Harvest Moon Type Game" would work well on Dreamcast i feel like someone would probably tell me this is a more obvious choice, but i dont wanna just say that "oh this game is 2D so it COULD work on dreamcast 100%", but IF this game is possible at least as a "Demake" i think it would work gracefully! It's basically a farm oriented Life Simulation game, quite like harvest moon. It's pretty pick up and play, so pretty simple to understand but IT IS HARD TO PUT DOWN! You could get seriously invested in this game, and honestly i wont hold my breath for this but it also has Co-Op, if that could work on the 56k Modem, that would be even more fun!

Tiny Life [Steam Early Access]:
Just like Stardew Valley, I mentioned the first ever Sims game as a very good match for Dreamcast, but Tiny-Life is basically a 8 bit style, updated take on the whole "The Sims" series style of life simulator, with its own twists! Right now its not finished and in Early Access so its unknown how big the game will eventually get, but at the very least i could see a Dreamcast Adaptation/Demake working quite well, its pretty simple, but also relaxing and chill. It also takes advantage of the Steam Workshop for custom content, but i'm not sure how possible Dreamcast CC would work for the game, even if its just clothing. Definitely though it would be worthwhile since EA would probably never let a Fan-Port of the first sims to Dreamcast happen.

Fallout 1&2 & The Elder Scrolls Arena [1997-1998 and 1994 respectively]:
I'm grouping these together since sadly i havent been able to really set aside time to really play these two classics, but i figure they would work great on Dreamcast, They're both early games in well known franchises and due to their age (Especially TES Arena) shouldn't be too hard to run on Dreamcast, reason i didnt suggest something like Daggerfall is because i had only barely touched Fallout 1&2 and Arena but i havent even touched Daggerfall so i cant say how possible that game is but at the very least those 3 should work quite nicely with the dreamcast and its KB + M peripherals and of course would be fun for fans of those games to have for trying on a console!

Cancelled/Rumored Games: Deus Ex & Messiah [2000]:
Probably mostly the former rather than the latter, Deus Ex was an Immersive Sim/Action RPG released on PC&Mac (and later PS2) which is set in 2052, it's absolutely an excellent genre defining title and i think it would've worked great on DC, at least as well as half life did. The Latter was actually planned for DC but got scrapped making it a PC exclusive, which does make it a bit hard to try to run these days, it's mainly known by people my age because its the origin of the "Roblox OOF", still quite an interesting title and probably worked pretty nicely on DC, i'll admit i'm probably not giving it the credit it deserves but surely it would be a decent fit and would make the game more easily accessible so you wouldn't need an old PC.

Pizza Tower [2023]:
I'm putting this in for my Pizza Tower loving partner but it's a fairly simple Wario Land inspired 2D platformer, i'm sure arguably it would be a perfect fit for the Saturn... But i thought it would fit here. If you didn't know about it. Pizza Tower is as previously said a Wario Land inspired 2D Platformer for windows, but its mainly pizza themed, you play as a chef and you fight pizza based enemies, Quite fun and would fit in with the many established DC 2D Homebrew Platformers. Although i sadly never got the time to really enjoy it.

Plumbers Dont Wear Ties [1993]:
Now... if i am frank, this isn't really a fit for the Dreamcast, or really any home console. But i'm one of those weirdos who appreciates it for what it is and how utterly stupid the idea that this was originally a budget PC title made by a guy who just randomly decided to make a CD-ROM game one day was then approached by a company to make a console port and was actually released on the 3DO and put on a few promo materials for the system! Goes to show how wack the 3DO was. Anyways the "game" is an early example of a western made "Visual Novel" basically instead of being made up of several FMV clips like D or Night Trap, its basically a slideshow with narration. Thats the reason its on this list, even without source code, somebody could just download the PC version and probably use the files to basically port the entire game. (rich coming from me, but ya know the producer of the game said the programming only took some handful of weeks iirc) But honestly it's like The Room at some points, i always liked how doom fans would just port Doom onto anything with a processor but this visual novel is so hilariously basic that i'm sure it could be ported to as many titles as Doom. (in fact theres a ZX Spectrum adaptation) Nobody in their right mind would ever do it, but in my heart, i'm hoping someone crazier than me attemps this... even just for a DC game jam as a joke...

Theres tons more i could list off but i have to cut off my wall of text somewhere, and that point is here
||| She/It ||| Another 365 days to completely waste..! |||

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Re: What games would be a good fit to be ported to DC?

Post by TapamN »

Maztr_0n wrote:Honestly, the original sims would be perfect for the DC!
Relatedly, I did some work porting the original SimCity (or more accurately, Micropolis, the open source version of SimCIty Classic, for the OLPC project). Never finished or released it.


When looking through games that would make for decent (3D) homebrew Dreamcast ports, I found two Macintosh games from 98/99, Bugdom and Nanosaur, that are open source and look doable. Descent and Freespace could also be good ones (and ones that more people would care about), but the controls really aren't a good fit for the DC's controller. They aren't even a good fit for keyboard and mouse! :lol:

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Re: What games would be a good fit to be ported to DC?

Post by Maztr_0n »

TapamN wrote:
Maztr_0n wrote:Honestly, the original sims would be perfect for the DC!
Relatedly, I did some work porting the original SimCity (or more accurately, Micropolis, the open source version of SimCIty Classic, for the OLPC project). Never finished or released it.


When looking through games that would make for decent (3D) homebrew Dreamcast ports, I found two Macintosh games from 98/99, Bugdom and Nanosaur, that are open source and look doable. Descent and Freespace could also be good ones (and ones that more people would care about), but the controls really aren't a good fit for the DC's controller. They aren't even a good fit for keyboard and mouse! :lol:
oh my, Thats nice! I always love to see more PC titles on DC. I always liked how those made the DC feel more in line with 6th gen contemporaries instead of the quite underwhelming PS1 oriented Multiplats from the systems original lifespan, that project seems so fun and seemed very caring for the source material. Love it!

also odd thing i was gonna come back and say another odd idea that could work is that pretty meh South Park game for N64 and PS1, there was a PC port and people got it working without the fog and at 60 FPS, and honestly a DC port of the game with some of those improvements and KB+M support (perhaps even higher poly models and online support) wouldn't be the worst idea. Image 4 player splitscreen at 60FPS where you throw yellow snowballs at eachother! I know the south park guys really dont care for ANY of the pre stick of truth games but South Park 64 was actually pretty decent, and honestly would have been far better on dreamcast than "South Park Rally"!
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Re: What games would be a good fit to be ported to DC?

Post by vFxMz »

Anthony817 wrote:Driver 2, you know, since the source was recently reverse engineered and all. Also performance-wise the DC should run this game at 60fps with Bleem like levels of graphical enhancement only in this version the PSX texture wobble does not exist anymore. Plus dammit, we will never get GTA 3 since lets be honest, it looks a bit too complex for the DC. Graphics wise no, but you gotta realize the PS2 was the target platform and it had 32mb ram, 2X what is on the DC.

Furthermore since the source was fully recreated, mods, mods, mods...

I have a thread about it here.

https://dreamcast-talk.com/forum/viewto ... =5&t=13617

Here is the trailer for the new PC version since it was the only Driver game in the series never released on PC. So that is pretty much the reason it was fully reverse engineered with Ghidra.

Physics in this game are second to none as it really recreates that 1970's car chase movie feel where you can literally drift heavy American muscle cars around tight city streets effortlessly by pressing the handbrake.

Please somebody look into this. :mrgreen:
Absolutely loved that was one of my childhood games, will test maybe with Bleem to check how it run

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Re: What games would be a good fit to be ported to DC?

Post by Bob Dobbs »

Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro. I do have a Bleem version which is 100% playable even with the usual cutscene isms.
Bob Dobbs

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Re: What games would be a good fit to be ported to DC?

Post by AyeYoYoYOOO »

AyeYoYoYOOO wrote:
slivercr wrote:Monkey Ball.
Originally a Naomi GD-ROM game, would be a great fit in the Dreamcast's library. Should be doable for someone with the will and the know-how.
zychion wrote:Shakedown: Hawaii and Retro City Rampage!!
GTA2 not enough? :lol:
Heartily 2nd'ed.

Dreamcast has so many Kid-Friendly, pretty 3Dplatformers, and many kid-friendly arcade titles, but Monkey ball is a special one that is so utterly unique.

I would also love to see SNK’s “Sengoku 3”

CPS3’s Red Earth / Warzard

Naomi’s Wild Riders
(if lower-texture/mono-audio makes it possible)

& the most charming/nuanced/polished, from among the OpenBeatsOfRage games:

G.I. JOE - “Attack on Cobra Island”:

“A Tale Of Vengenace”:


AyeYoYoYOOO wrote:Also, another truly masterful OpenBOR game, in which LordSkiff & BloodBane utilized some lesser known yet gorgeous sprites from IGS sleeper millenium fighting game “Martial Masters”:

This OpenBOR beauty contains:

1. Comprehensive move set
2. Brilliant control scheme
3. Full sprite animations
4. DOPE 70’s Kung fu flick OST
5. 70’s Kung Gu film vintage filter

Check it out:

What spectacular choices ! 8-) :lol: :lol: :P

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Re: What games would be a good fit to be ported to DC?

Post by MastaG »

Dethrace - Opensource decompilation project for the original Carmageddon and Splat Pack.
- Runs on multiple platforms (Windows/Linux/MacOS)
- Utilizes SDL2
- Original game only required 8Megs of ram
- It's fun to run over pedestrians

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