Request: Marvel vs Capcom 1 with a Co-op mode

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Request: Marvel vs Capcom 1 with a Co-op mode

Post by Kbackman427 »


Here is an idea for an ambitious hacker. user bankbank has just done a hack for the arcade version of X-men vs Street Fighter which allows 2 people to play the game together in arcade mode rather than doing only vs battles.

Why a mode like this was not included by Capcom in the Saturn or Dreamcast home ports of Xmen vs SF, Marvel vs SF or Marvel vs Capcom 1 is very odd. As many of you know there is a cross fever mode on Dreamcast but is 4 player only and does not allow you do play arcade mode or play against the computer. Cross fever mode also requires all 4 controllers to be plugged in or it won't allow it to run that mode.

This would be a great mode to have and I am sure would not be hard for someone with the right skills. Would be great to tag a friend in as both of you try to go all the way to the end on hard using good teamwork.

X-Men vs Street Fighter Co-op mode arcade version

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