Catalogue of things not available in in English

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Catalogue of things not available in in English

Post by Gauche »

First, let me include a preface to this post; it's a bit personal, and not that important to the subject, but I would like to leave it here in case I don't appear for a long while, so you can skip it if you wish.

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So I watched a video on Youtube recently, and it got me thinking.

It mentions many Japanese-exclusive Dreamcast games and hardware, and specifically, at 10:58 he says "There is unsurprisingly not too much English-language information about this game online", which really got me interested, since learning about these kinds of things is one of my hobbies.

Are there any lists of anomalous "things" related to the Dreamcast that simply don't have online resources in English?
If not, I would like to compile a list of things which need more information/preservation/dumping in English.
Even things that just don't have many photos online would work, as well.
I suppose that most of these things would be in Japanese, but other languages are not outside the realm of possibility, as well.

I ask this because I expect to be visiting Japan, hopefully within the next few years, and would like a list of things to look out for while I'm there.

To get things started, I'm looking for things along the lines of old console magazines.
This site has some of them preserved although it's mostly just the covers: ... dreamcast/

I'm sure that I could find a few if I asked the right people and looked in the right places, and from that point, I'm willing scan them and preserve them online.
If there's any hardware/games/strategy guides/advertisements/etc. please tell me, so that I can keep them on my radar.

They don't have to be from Japan, either.
at 35:05, there's mention of an Infogrames-branded console, which seems to be from a PAL region. This is pretty rare, and I doubt that I'll find that model in particular. However, since I do also plan on going to France later on, I would like some suggestions if there's anything in Europe that people want to know more about, so that I can search for those when I get the chance.

Again, thank you for reading, and please post in this thread if there are any other things which are lacking in information, or which you would like more English details on.

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Re: Catalogue of things not available in in English

Post by CORE316 »

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