Dusted off my DC after 16ish years...

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Dusted off my DC after 16ish years...

Post by buckets »

Hey y'all, resurfaced my Dreamcast from college (2005-2006) over Thanksgiving break and decided to jump back in. Had one quick question to the people who've been around for a bit: did "DCEmu" ever have a decent sharing community? I think I remember that being the board I was a mod on, but forgot the specifics since it's been so long. Vividly remember a user named DAEMON releasing a very fun version of MVC2 with his own music if that helps :D

Anyway, not really important but felt like bringing it up for nostalgia sake. Updated to GDEmu clone, replaced the battery, and having a blast learning all about what's new in the scene! Thanks to everyone for keeping it alive.

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Ian Micheal
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Re: Dusted off my DC after 16ish years...

Post by Ian Micheal »

Welcome back :) it's good to see many new and fantastic projects to enjoy :) I started on dcemu on 2002 march :) Still lot of us around from that forum it's still going lol

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Re: Dusted off my DC after 16ish years...

Post by buckets »

So cool to see the community's still going strong! And since I've been back I've seen your name in more than a few places Ian :) thanks so much for all your contributions, it's amazing the things you've accomplished so far!

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Shark Patrol
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Re: Dusted off my DC after 16ish years...

Post by Anthony817 »

Man, the Dreamcast community has grown by leaps and bounds over the past decade and a half. I used to own one back when they came out, got rid of when games stopped being easily bought at Gamestop, then went from like 2003-2008 until NullDC emulation on PC piqued my interest in the system again. After that I seen how damn much homebrew there was which I didn't own a PC until after my DC was long gone, so like in 2004 our house finally got internet. So I literally had no way of knowing how much the community cared and kept it alive like it did. By that time it was a memory for me had no idea it was thriving like that.

Anyways in 2009 I bought another Dreamcast and got so invested that I became a moderator over at Theisozone and been hooked ever since. So many awesome people that develop for the console and contribute to the community in various ways are here. We even have full on retail Indie devs making professionally pressed discs and selling games. But glad to see others coming back to their first love. Dreamcast was the first console I purchased with my own money as a teenager and it has such a huge place in my heart from my formative years. Welcome back and take off your boots and stay for a while!

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Re: Dusted off my DC after 16ish years...

Post by buckets »

Another legend in my introduction post!! Thanks for the warm welcome Anthony, it's been very cool learning about all the contributions you've made to the community. And what a great story to add to all of it, makes it even better.

I'd love to eventually get to a point where I'm comfortable contributing to the community but it feels like it'll take a bit to figure out where I'd be most useful. If y'all ever find a need for a javascript-based UI engineer with a BFA in graphic design please let me know!

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Shark Patrol
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Re: Dusted off my DC after 16ish years...

Post by Anthony817 »

We need Half-Life modders! SO MANY HL mods on PC begging to be ported to DC! Paranoua, The Hunger, U.S.S. Darkstar and a few others have been fully ported over. We sure could use a proper WW2 FPS, so that would be a great place to start. This mod looks extremely impressive! But this should be a cakewalk for somebody with your skills.


10 years ago we had over a dozen mods ported over to the console, but only a few people ever did them. We could literally be sitting here with hundreds of mods for the DC as full on standalone games.

https://www.obscuregamers.com/threads/h ... -pack.269/

Posts: 5

Re: Dusted off my DC after 16ish years...

Post by buckets »

Sorry to get your hopes up Anthony but I think you misunderstood what I meant by mod haha. I meant moderator, I just helped keep the place clean. I don't have any experience modding games but would be interested in learning about it if you have any resources to get me started!

Based on my background I'd probably be best suited for some level of graphic design work (openmenu stuff, emulator menus, etc.) or making microsites for projects. Any sort of modding/hacking is totally foreign to me.

(Also, the more I remember I was on dcforums.net, not dcemu :( )

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