Turning a frame sequence into a single image?

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Turning a frame sequence into a single image?

Post by SomeGuyWithASega »

I know this is super off-topic (that's why it's in the off-topic section), but I want to have cutscenes in my new video game project. The cutscene will be played via 600-some numbered frames of animation. However, the engine I've been using doesn't allow for the frames to be separate images; they all have to be on one image file. Is there a quick way to make an image with each frame after another on it, or a program that could do the job? I just don't want to spend a huge chunk of my time carefully placing each frame together in Paint or something.

The project in question, if you're interested, is a Sonic fangame that will also feature other Sega characters, like the dragon from Panzer Dragoon and NiGHTS. The build up right now only has one Sonic zone; the next one will have another zone and will introduce the other characters.

http://opensnc.sourceforge.net/forum/vi ... hp?id=1898

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Re: Turning a frame sequence into a single image?

Post by Aleron Ives »

Assuming you can live with 8-bit colour, an animated GIF is the most compatible such image format.
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Re: Turning a frame sequence into a single image?

Post by SomeGuyWithASega »

Maybe I wasn't clear enough...I meant a single image with every individual frame after another on it, like this:


The engine cycles through these frames when playing an animation, and I don't think it supports GIFs.

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Re: Turning a frame sequence into a single image?

Post by Tarnish »

These might not be the best programs for the job, but the ones I personally had experience with: Game Maker and GIF Movie Gear have options to save animations as a filmstrip, as in every frame in a single picture.

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Re: Turning a frame sequence into a single image?

Post by mrneo240 »

Ffmpeg + imagemagick

photon blast
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Re: Turning a frame sequence into a single image?

Post by SomeGuyWithASega »

Thanks for the suggestions. I just found another program called TexturePacker that does the job. Now I have an FMV cutscene in the game after a level. Was kind of mind-numbing to make the .spr sprite file containing information about how big each frame is, the number of frames and what not, because you have to put in a number for each individual frame (0 1 2 3 4 5, and so on). There was also some thumbnails that were completely black that I found and took out. Now that everything's done, it runs pretty well.


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