The Reason I Want A New Sega Box

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The Reason I Want A New Sega Box

Post by SegaNews »

We all have our reasons, and I do had mine!
Dreamcast came out in 1999, and my great grandfather bought it for my older brothers and they played it non-stop!
My brothers often were out of the house for sports, so at these times I would go on the Dreamcast and stay on for hours! It was practically my whole childhood!
My great grandfather said he would buy the next console made by SEGA just for me, but one week later, he died. And there has yet to be another SEGA console!
I will remember this as he was the only reason I got into SEGA, and since then I have been crazy in love!
06/24/2000 RIP

This Is why I have made speculation sites, fan sites, and more! This new console would mean so much to me!
I hope you can all understand my reason for a new console!
Sega make the console!!! I Saved $500 now in order to buy it!


Re: The Reason I Want A New Sega Box

Post by MrSega »

Nice ancedote.

I have been a loyal, dedicated SEGA fan since the Genesis days. I've been playing Sonic since the summer of 1991, when my stepdad's coast guard friend & his wife and kids stayed over our house for a while. He was kinda like a big kid, so he would teach my 8 year old self how to play Sonic on his Genesis. I got a Super NES that Christmas brand new. But I still wanted a Genesis, Sonic 2 was THE game to get during 1992-93, so I & my 5 year old brother begged my mom to get us a Genesis, that christmas she did & my stepdad got us both 16-bit versions of Mortal Kombat and a RARE JVC X' EYE with Prize Fighter(two years later my 1 year old sister broke the SEGA CD by pouring water into it.) In 1994, I wanted Sonic & Knuckles so bad, I would save up and buy Life Savers just so I win a copy of the game.

During 1995, I played ALOT of SEGA Channel since a classmate of mine stole my SNES games, but when we moved futher uptown, my stepdad didn't wanna pay the subcription anymore. I was really bummed. And in '96, with little allowance, strict curfew, & long hours of middle school video gaming was scarce. In August of 1997, after being transferred to Seattle, my stepdad brought me a Saturn. It STILL works!

I first heard about Dreamcast in February of 1999. I read about in game magazines and on the internet. I VOWED to snatch it up, the day it launched happy that I was old enough to work a summer job, I kept drowning in the hype. I recorded every DC commerical on TV, brought the official magazine, watched the MTV VMAs(probably THE best VMA in history) & would run around school shouting "Sega Dreamcast is comming,Sega Dreamcast is comming!!!" I got mine on November 8,1999 two months after launch. A month later, I was sick with Cancer, BUT I still played Sonic Adventure while in the hospital.

SEGA knows its time to return. Wii U is gonna be the next Atari 5200, they're not growing in the 3rd party market, & PS3 is going to stay because Sony can't afford a successor right now.

Graffiti Grind
Posts: 320

Re: The Reason I Want A New Sega Box

Post by craziestrufis »

MrSega wrote:Nice ancedote.

I have been a loyal, dedicated SEGA fan since the Genesis days. I've been playing Sonic since the summer of 1991, when my stepdad's coast guard friend & his wife and kids stayed over our house for a while. He was kinda like a big kid, so he would teach my 8 year old self how to play Sonic on his Genesis. I got a Super NES that Christmas brand new. But I still wanted a Genesis, Sonic 2 was THE game to get during 1992-93, so I & my 5 year old brother begged my mom to get us a Genesis, that christmas she did & my stepdad got us both 16-bit versions of Mortal Kombat and a RARE JVC X' EYE with Prize Fighter(two years later my 1 year old sister broke the SEGA CD by pouring water into it.) In 1994, I wanted Sonic & Knuckles so bad, I would save up and buy Life Savers just so I win a copy of the game.

During 1995, I played ALOT of SEGA Channel since a classmate of mine stole my SNES games, but when we moved futher uptown, my stepdad didn't wanna pay the subcription anymore. I was really bummed. And in '96, with little allowance, strict curfew, & long hours of middle school video gaming was scarce. In August of 1997, after being transferred to Seattle, my stepdad brought me a Saturn. It STILL works!

I first heard about Dreamcast in February of 1999. I read about in game magazines and on the internet. I VOWED to snatch it up, the day it launched happy that I was old enough to work a summer job, I kept drowning in the hype. I recorded every DC commerical on TV, brought the official magazine, watched the MTV VMAs(probably THE best VMA in history) & would run around school shouting "Sega Dreamcast is comming,Sega Dreamcast is comming!!!" I got mine on November 8,1999 two months after launch. A month later, I was sick with Cancer, BUT I still played Sonic Adventure while in the hospital.

SEGA knows its time to return. Wii U is gonna be the next Atari 5200, they're not growing in the 3rd party market, & PS3 is going to stay because Sony can't afford a successor right now.
2 new put dates mr sega ... 07085.html oct 7 oct 7


Re: The Reason I Want A New Sega Box

Post by MrSega »

@Crazietrufis. They just mean that SEGA is setting up its digital only multiplatform business structure for next year.

Graffiti Grind
Posts: 320

Re: The Reason I Want A New Sega Box

Post by craziestrufis »

MrSega wrote:@Crazietrufis. They just mean that SEGA is setting up its digital only multiplatform business structure for next year.
i was just saying thay were both up date on oct 7 sorry for the 1 link
here u go ... 07085.html

Posts: 186

Re: The Reason I Want A New Sega Box

Post by CruSega »

We all want a new Sega console, that's why we visit this site. I'd buy a new console on day one even if it survives less than 2 years. Like Nintendo (pre-Wii) Sega has made some of the finest games in history. Even the Saturn had classics such as Burning Rangers, the Panzer Dragoon series, VF2, Manx TT, Sega Rally, Fighters Megamix, NiGHTS... and Bernie Stolar should burn for killing it off prematurely which lead to the Dreamcast never having a chance with all the pissed off Saturn owners who didn't want to be burned again. Lucky I got the Saturn imports or I'd have been pissed too!

With their IP over the past 2 decades, all Sega needs is a super powerful machine and the old Sega attitude. They need to attack the XBox 720 with RROD jokes like they attacked the SNES and its lack of "blast processing". But most importantly, a new Sega console must have the power to rival its competitors. No more Saturn architectural messes or underpowered DC which lacked the punch of PS2/Gamecube/Xbox1.

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