Want to save this controller board

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Posts: 2

Want to save this controller board

Post by Shmingers »

Hi everyone, I'm new to the Dreamcast world...I got one in trade and it's awesome. Forgot how good it felt to grow up a Sega kid. :) I did the battery mod and the fuse replacement on that console and all's well.

I recently purchased a second one that the previous owner said needed a new GD-Rom drive. I figured ok, I'm no stranger to console repairs after years of working on original Xboxes, I'll give it a shot.

As you'll see from the pictures, I discovered there was a very poorly done repair/mod job on the controller port board. I think whomever it was sloppy and used a high wattage soldering iron. The battery charging resistor was taken off the board, and the LED was wired directly into the power supply and grounded to the switch. Looking at the underside of the board, the pads are gone from the LED and the resistor terminals.

Question - can I run a wire from the end of the resistor with the destroyed pad to the one directly to the right of it? Also, can I wire the LED to any nearby terminals?

Of note, the console boots fine and the GD-Rom does fire up, but none of the controller ports seem to work. I think the real problem is this board.

Thank you in advance, and appreciate finding this community!

Posts: 2

Re: Want to save this controller board

Post by Shmingers »

Hi again, I made some progress, I followed the traces and added jumper wires as per this picture. LED power is red, ground is yellow, and the battery resistor is orange.

I still don't have power via the controller ports, but I have a resettable fuse ordered, along with the battery holder and new capacitor, so I'm hoping that fixes it. Thanks!

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