New here, hopin to make some like minded friends!

Say Hi and introduce yourself to the forum here!
Posts: 3
Dreamcast Games you play Online: None but I’d love to play PSO

New here, hopin to make some like minded friends!

Post by BDover »

Hey, what’s up!

I’ve always been interested in the dreamcast, but as a kid born into the Xbox Live era it was always more of an obscure oddity from the past to me, not easy to get my hands on with my income of $0 dollars an hour.
About a year back I bought myself one, fulfilling that childhood dream, and played it sorta on and off before my relative commitment issues drifted me away from the console.
However, I’m back and enjoying it more than ever! I love the console, and would both love to start trying and playing some online games (I played a little PSO on my PC and liked it a deal) and talking to people about old retro Sega Games in general

I specifically joined these forums in order to try and play JoJo on my console, a task that I’ve now considered impossible (I can get the JP matching service version to boot with video but only black and white. While this makes it feel more like the comic ig, half the fun of Capcom fighting games are the fun colors. All other versions, despite the fact I use Composite and not VGA, play but just completely fuck up my video connection. Man I love retro games so much!!!!! :!: :!: :lol: )

Anyways, happy to meet you all and would love to chat to like… anyone

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Posts: 230
Location: USA

Re: New here, hopin to make some like minded friends!

Post by OatBob »

Welcome to the community.

One of my favorite features when I was getting started with Dreamcast and Xbox was emulating earlier consoles like NES and Genesis. Resellers are ruining many collector's hobbies out there nowadays, but I think there's still ton of low-cost value in retro gaming. - web content for DC.


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