WWF WrestleFest & WWF Superstars (Request)

Posts: 7

WWF WrestleFest & WWF Superstars (Request)

Post by ExcellenceK »

Hey I'm new to this "era" in the DC world but love all the work y'all have put in & Continue to put in!!

my question is has anyone ever "ported" These titles to DC or does anyone have a CDI of these that i could get??

my guess it wouldn't be too hard to make this happen? i just don't know where to even start if i had the skills and knowledge i would def whip this up both games are such classics!!



Posts: 6

Re: WWF WrestleFest & WWF Superstars (Request)

Post by robnmish »

i would think making a mameDC disk with the game on it might be the best way to go.

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Re: WWF WrestleFest & WWF Superstars (Request)

Post by Beefalo »

ExcellenceK wrote:my guess it wouldn't be too hard to make this happen?
Word of advice from a shitty programmer: I've seen similar "it shouldn't be hard to

Code: Select all

" comments over the years, mostly during my time making tools for a very popular online game. Unless you know what you're doing and are intimately familiar with all resources necessary to do the job, you won't know what would or wouldn't be "hard."

It doesn't matter if the game in question is as simple as a tic-tac-toe game with only text for graphics - no matter how simple things may appear from the outside, there's an infinite number of things that could be going on under the hood to make it a difficult job.

In this case, nobody's going to be "port"ing arcade games like this without source code. Hell, even [i]with[/i] source code it'd be a hell of a task. I wish it weren't... speaking as a wrestling fan.

As mentioned above, see if they run in MAME. I'm guessing not since I definitely would've tried myself years ago but can't remember (if it worked, I'd remember!).

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Ian Micheal
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Re: WWF WrestleFest & WWF Superstars (Request)

Post by Ian Micheal »

Beefalo wrote:
ExcellenceK wrote:my guess it wouldn't be too hard to make this happen?
Word of advice from a shitty programmer: I've seen similar "it shouldn't be hard to

Code: Select all

" comments over the years, mostly during my time making tools for a very popular online game. Unless you know what you're doing and are intimately familiar with all resources necessary to do the job, you won't know what would or wouldn't be "hard."

It doesn't matter if the game in question is as simple as a tic-tac-toe game with only text for graphics - no matter how simple things may appear from the outside, there's an infinite number of things that could be going on under the hood to make it a difficult job.

In this case, nobody's going to be "port"ing arcade games like this without source code. Hell, even [i]with[/i] source code it'd be a hell of a task. I wish it weren't... speaking as a wrestling fan.

As mentioned above, see if they run in MAME. I'm guessing not since I definitely would've tried myself years ago but can't remember (if it worked, I'd remember!).[/quote]

It does not run on mamed or any mame for dc emulator...it used over 16mb when the rom is unpacked and uncompressed even when it runs there was a version non public by warmtoe it that meant  pre un packing the grafix and all sorts of mods to the source which is well lost.. even after that it run at about 10 fps with cracking sound stutter and frameskip 6 to be at 10 fps..

Not even play-able hence why he stop dev on it.

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Super Sonic
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Re: WWF WrestleFest & WWF Superstars (Request)

Post by dubcity »

For how great DC is it can't emulate and play everything you throw at it.

In the case of 90's and up mame games get a pi, og xbox, or just play on pc.

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