Retrofighters StrikerDC Wireless Limited Edition in Black - Only 2,000 being made

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Re: Retrofighters StrikerDC Wireless Limited Edition in Black - Only 2,000 being made

Post by Snake79 »

So I used the new wireless controller over the weekend and found it to be quite good. Pairing was easy, just plug the dongle into the controller port, power on the DC and hit the button on the dongle to start pairing. It does feel good in the hand, the ergonomics are better than the OEM controller and they are slightly improved over the wired StrikerDC. The controller has a bit of weight to it thanks to the built in vibration motors and rechargeable battery. As a result it doesn't feel as cheap as the wired version.

The analogue stick is better although I still prefer a little bit more resistance, but the rubberised thumb pad is superior to the hard dotted convex plastic on the OEM controller. The triggers have a wider design with a slight angle to them which makes them easier to use, but again, I'd like a litle bit more resistance.

The LR shoulder buttons are okay, they have barely any travel though and it can be too easy to accidentally press them. The d-pad is very good, as are the face buttons, no complaints at all and there was no noticeable lag in use.

I had to check the vibration was active in a couple of the games as at times I didn't notice it but when it comes on it's good and not as clanky sounding as the OEM jump pack.

I did have one issue where the VMU wouldn't load my save file of Sega Rally 2. I think the connection terminal on the dongle for the VMU may have been a bit loose as the VMU slipped in and out easily. This is the opposite of the wired StrikerDC which was tricky inserting VMUs as it was a little tight.

Games I played with it were Dead or Alive 2, Looney Tunes Space Race, Sega Rally 2, Under Defeat, Vampire Chronicles, Tokyo Highway Challenge, Ikaruga and Power Stone.

Overall I quite like the controller, I think it's good value for money and gives the DC a true native wireless controller that is VMU compatible. I do miss the VMU screen though, it's part of the experience of using the DC. The wired StrikerDC controller stills looks like a Dreamcast controller because the VMU can be attached directly. If you don't care for the VMU screen then it's probably going to be a great option. I could probably get used to this over time.

Posts: 48

Re: Retrofighters StrikerDC Wireless Limited Edition in Black - Only 2,000 being made

Post by Stringer_bell »

Dont know why Black is limited edition but glad I waited because I need this to match my black console!

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Mr. Sojiro
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Re: Retrofighters StrikerDC Wireless Limited Edition in Black - Only 2,000 being made

Post by Mr. Sojiro »

Sorry to be slightly off topic, but were the issues with the wired version that common? I was just thinking about ordering a wired one, but seeing some of the posts in here kind of got me hesitant to pull that trigger now :?

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Re: Retrofighters StrikerDC Wireless Limited Edition in Black - Only 2,000 being made

Post by galaxygod »

Mr. Sojiro wrote:Sorry to be slightly off topic, but were the issues with the wired version that common? I was just thinking about ordering a wired one, but seeing some of the posts in here kind of got me hesitant to pull that trigger now :?
Definitely was pretty common, every time it’s brought up I see more negative comments than positive ones, definitely a design flaw and not a random issue. mine broke in the first week. if you’re going to get one I’d definitely do the wireless, its 100% better than the wired

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Falco Girgis
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Re: Retrofighters StrikerDC Wireless Limited Edition in Black - Only 2,000 being made

Post by Falco Girgis »

A "Next-Gen" Dreamcast controller... With only one analog stick?!

Once again, they'd have my money and my undying loyalty if they had ever listened and bothered with the second analog stick.

I was told no commercial games ever used the second analog stick. Wrong. Turns out Quake 3 and a few others actually did, since it was in the Maple spec since day 1, and we've seen PS2 Dualshock-to-DC controllers have been able to utilize the second analog stick.

I was told nobody would use it. Wrong. KOS has supported it for years along with a couple commercial games, and I rallied indie game developer support pledging to utilize it.

I was told nobody would pay extra. Wrong. I rallied more troops who all said they'd pay substantially more for just a limited run with the second analog stick.

Finally, after essentially being told to fuck off, I eventually did wind up buying the original controller still and finding that there was actually something quite interesting it could offer... The controversial fact that the VMU sticks partially out has allowed me to add support for a feature in KallistiOS which has never been seen or used before in any commercial devkit... The ability to use the VMU buttons while it's plugged into the controller--essentially using it to extend the controllers' buttons.
After basically validating one of the most controversial aspects of the design of the entire controller, what was their response? It wasn't even worthy of a retweet or any real acknowledgement from them... and now that aspect of the controller is even gone.

Look, I understand that I owe this scene a huge debt, and I have literally been working every single day to give back to this community by working on what I view as the lifeblood of what keeps the Dreamcast dreaming these days--putting my skills to use working on the back-end KOS stuff that enables all of the continued DC homebrew development... I understand that I'm the last person whose opinion anyone should give a shit about on a product...

...but I really, truly did bleed for and almost kill myself over Elysian Shadows. I was guilty of caring too goddamn much about trying to do epic shit for this platform and ultimately could not handle the scope of the project given the limited resources. I then still cared so much about the DC that I came back to the community that everyone hated me in and continued working to benefit it behind-the-scenes...

I'm just waiting for the day when I feel like some of these hardware guys--especially the controller ones--show the same level of love and respect for the DC, because at this point, I'm just getting jaded over this. Every new controller is the same fight and the same thing... when I have dozens and dozens of people inquiring about and interested in FINALLY having a dual-analog Dreamcast controller... Is this really about doing something epic for the DC or is it just another platform to make a buck on?

Oh well, though. I'll keep fighting for a dual analog stick DC controller until the day I die every time a new contender steps into the arena, and I hope some of you guys who want to see the DC continue to be all it can be will join me in rectifying and correcting the single biggest critique and mistake of the original controller...

PS: For single-analog games, how trivial would it be to have a little switch or button that simply maps the face buttons to the second analog stick for games like MDK2 or Outtrigger to still benefit?

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Re: Retrofighters StrikerDC Wireless Limited Edition in Black - Only 2,000 being made

Post by DCGX »

Falco Girgis wrote:A "Next-Gen" Dreamcast controller... With only one analog stick?!

Once again, they'd have my money and my undying loyalty if they had ever listened and bothered with the second analog stick.

I was told no commercial games ever used the second analog stick. Wrong. Turns out Quake 3 and a few others actually did, since it was in the Maple spec since day 1, and we've seen PS2 Dualshock-to-DC controllers have been able to utilize the second analog stick.

I was told nobody would use it. Wrong. KOS has supported it for years along with a couple commercial games, and I rallied indie game developer support pledging to utilize it.

I was told nobody would pay extra. Wrong. I rallied more troops who all said they'd pay substantially more for just a limited run with the second analog stick.

Finally, after essentially being told to fuck off, I eventually did wind up buying the original controller still and finding that there was actually something quite interesting it could offer... The controversial fact that the VMU sticks partially out has allowed me to add support for a feature in KallistiOS which has never been seen or used before in any commercial devkit... The ability to use the VMU buttons while it's plugged into the controller--essentially using it to extend the controllers' buttons.

After basically validating one of the most controversial aspects of the design of the entire controller, what was their response? It wasn't even worthy of a retweet or any real acknowledgement from them... and now that aspect of the controller is even gone.

Look, I understand that I owe this scene a huge debt, and I have literally been working every single day to give back to this community by working on what I view as the lifeblood of what keeps the Dreamcast dreaming these days--putting my skills to use working on the back-end KOS stuff that enables all of the continued DC homebrew development... I understand that I'm the last person whose opinion anyone should give a shit about on a product...

...but I really, truly did bleed for and almost kill myself over Elysian Shadows. I was guilty of caring too goddamn much about trying to do epic shit for this platform and ultimately could not handle the scope of the project given the limited resources. I then still cared so much about the DC that I came back to the community that everyone hated me in and continued working to benefit it behind-the-scenes...

I'm just waiting for the day when I feel like some of these hardware guys--especially the controller ones--show the same level of love and respect for the DC, because at this point, I'm just getting jaded over this. Every new controller is the same fight and the same thing... when I have dozens and dozens of people inquiring about and interested in FINALLY having a dual-analog Dreamcast controller... Is this really about doing something epic for the DC or is it just another platform to make a buck on?

Oh well, though. I'll keep fighting for a dual analog stick DC controller until the day I die every time a new contender steps into the arena, and I hope some of you guys who want to see the DC continue to be all it can be will join me in rectifying and correcting the single biggest critique and mistake of the original controller...

PS: For single-analog games, how trivial would it be to have a little switch or button that simply maps the face buttons to the second analog stick for games like MDK2 or Outtrigger to still benefit?
Speaking of money other people have, may I get my money back for 'Elysian Shadows?'

We were told it would be out December 2015. Wrong.
We were told there would be more updates with a detailed path forward in October 2016. Wrong.
We were reassured development was back on to "rock" in January 2017. Wrong.

I'm just waiting for the day this dev guy takes responsibility and refunds backers. I'd like my $125 back please (which, with inflation is over $167 now, but I'll let that slide).

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Falco Girgis
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Re: Retrofighters StrikerDC Wireless Limited Edition in Black - Only 2,000 being made

Post by Falco Girgis »

I was waiting for this response... Figured it would be coming. It's fine. I guess I deserve it. I had hoped that my contributions to the community would've spared me, but whatever. Bring it on. lol.

First of all, even if I had an actual contractual obligation to refund people from Kickstarter (I don't), AND I had the money to refund everyone, that money was distributed about 7-ways among an entire team (plus a bunch was taken out for taxes plus KS took a cut), and I wouldn't be refunding you everything personally out of my own pocket. I just happen to be the only member of the team who has had the dignity or courage to continue contributing to this community or trying to make amends in any manner, so I'm the only one catching any shit for it.

Secondly... I actually wish to god I could afford to refund you all, because I don't actually give a shit that I'm not contractually obligated to do so. The truth is that you guys supported me and believed in the work I was doing, and that means something to me... But I just cannot afford it, nor can I justify making my wife and now two children go broke for a failed joint venture that happened almost a decade ago now.

I'm truly, sincerely sorry. No, I don't actually expect it to mean anything to you, but it's true. You can feel free to slander me, insult me, drag my name through the dirt, fling shit at me, and bring it up over every post I make, but it's not going to change anything. I'm not going anywhere, and it certainly won't dissuade me from voicing an opinion that the Dreamcast deserves a second analog stick.

Believe me, though, when I say that I have been working to atone for my shortcomings to the DC community. I've been working nonstop to give back to this scene by supporting the entirety of the homebrew community and becoming an active developer for KOS. In just under a year, I have become the biggest contributor to the KOS repository only beneath the actual owner/maintainer with a decade's worth of commits. If you don't believe me or want to see my work and contributions, you can see every single one of them here: ... gyrovorbis

As I said, though, I expect it to change nothing. I fully accept that doing back-end, low-level SDK work is not going to be as hip or trendy or easily appreciable as working on something flashy like a game... But I'm at peace with it, because I know damn well that it's just as, if not more important, and now I'm supporting the entirety of the scene instead of just my own selfish single product. I can look at myself in the mirror just fine with that. :)

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Mr. Sojiro
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Re: Retrofighters StrikerDC Wireless Limited Edition in Black - Only 2,000 being made

Post by Mr. Sojiro »

galaxygod wrote:
Mr. Sojiro wrote:Sorry to be slightly off topic, but were the issues with the wired version that common? I was just thinking about ordering a wired one, but seeing some of the posts in here kind of got me hesitant to pull that trigger now :?
Definitely was pretty common, every time it’s brought up I see more negative comments than positive ones, definitely a design flaw and not a random issue. mine broke in the first week. if you’re going to get one I’d definitely do the wireless, its 100% better than the wired
Damn, that's a shame, but I am glad you let me know before I picked one up. Guess I will look into the wireless option, thanks for the input!

Posts: 48

Re: Retrofighters StrikerDC Wireless Limited Edition in Black - Only 2,000 being made

Post by Stringer_bell »

Falco Girgis wrote:A "Next-Gen" Dreamcast controller... With only one analog stick?!

Once again, they'd have my money and my undying loyalty if they had ever listened and bothered with the second analog stick.

I was told no commercial games ever used the second analog stick. Wrong. Turns out Quake 3 and a few others actually did, since it was in the Maple spec since day 1, and we've seen PS2 Dualshock-to-DC controllers have been able to utilize the second analog stick.

I was told nobody would use it. Wrong. KOS has supported it for years along with a couple commercial games, and I rallied indie game developer support pledging to utilize it.

I was told nobody would pay extra. Wrong. I rallied more troops who all said they'd pay substantially more for just a limited run with the second analog stick.

Finally, after essentially being told to fuck off, I eventually did wind up buying the original controller still and finding that there was actually something quite interesting it could offer... The controversial fact that the VMU sticks partially out has allowed me to add support for a feature in KallistiOS which has never been seen or used before in any commercial devkit... The ability to use the VMU buttons while it's plugged into the controller--essentially using it to extend the controllers' buttons.
Wow thats actually really cool! I had no idea this was even possible! I could see that being implemented in like flight sim games...

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Re: Retrofighters StrikerDC Wireless Limited Edition in Black - Only 2,000 being made

Post by cypressRU »

I'm with Falco, we need a second stick

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