VMU Beginners' Development Tutorial

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Posts: 14

VMU Beginners' Development Tutorial

Post by Marble_Granite »

Hello, Everyone! I've started up a Tutorial for Beginners to Develop VMU Games on GitHub. I had originally intended to make a Video Series for easier learning, but have decided to start it off with an Article Format to make it available sooner for anyone who'd like to get started. Right now, there are two lessons, one for Getting Started With WaterBear, LibPerspective, And ElysianVMU and one for Drawing A Sprite To The Screen And Moving It With The Directional Buttons. This Guide is intended to help the Community, so any Feedback and Improvements are of course very welcome! For example, I've seen some tutorials do a Forum Thread Format, where each Lesson is a Post, and then Questions can be asked right there; we can try that out if DC-Talk Users enjoy that avenue.

More Lessons will be out soon; in the Meantime, Falco's Ultimate VMU Resource provides many fantastic avenues for further learning, most of which is well beyond the scope of this tutorial. Thanks everyone for checking out the Guide, and please enjoy some VMU Development! :) :mrgreen:

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Gold Lion
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Re: VMU Beginners' Development Tutorial

Post by fafadou »

Oh great !!

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DC-Talk Addict
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Re: VMU Beginners' Development Tutorial

Post by ateam »

Very cool, thank you for putting this together.
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Falco Girgis
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Re: VMU Beginners' Development Tutorial

Post by Falco Girgis »

Whoo! Fantastic work! Just checked it all out!

This is exactly the kind of thing the scene needs right now. I get a lot of people who look at the ultimate resource list and still don't have any step-by-step beginner-oriented tutorials to follow. It's mostly resources that are focused towards intermediate-to-advanced developers, so we're missing a lot of opportunities to grab new developers.

I've just updated the page with your tutorials near the top, just after the tools, so you can expect a bunch of traffic from it: https://dreamcast.wiki/VMU_development.

I'm literally working on the next release of EVMU2 and am meticulously working on hardware documentation for it right now. Let me know if there's anything you need from EVMU2 or anything you want covered in the hardware documentation: https://vmu.elysianshadows.com/hardware_docs.html. Really focusing hard on this, because Marcus Comstedt's site is extremely incomplete, and even the official VMU development manual is 1) largely incomplete, hiding things from you or outright lying 2) SERIOUSLY wrong and incoherent in a lot of places. We've also discovered a bunch of new things since conducting research for EVMU2 that hasn't really been documented, and I want to get it out there for everyone.

Posts: 14

Re: VMU Beginners' Development Tutorial

Post by Marble_Granite »

Thank you all for the nice comments, it's been my pleasure to put this together with all the awesome resources the community has put out! The VMU Resource Page is awesome, and it looks like there have been some new additions since I saw it last; Pxcla's VMU Racketball and more all look awesome. The Dreamcast.Wiki there seems like another Good Spot to compile the articles -- i can publish them on there as well in a separate area for easy linking. Super excited for EVMU2 as well, and looking forward to implementing it in the tutorial!

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