Sending/receiving email over Netlink is possible...

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Sending/receiving email over Netlink is possible...

Post by SEGA RPG FAN »

I believe I can get this to work with the netlink. The planetweb browser requires mail to be sent using a non-encrypted SMTP mail server. Virtually every SMTP server out there now uses encryption which is why we can't send mail directly.

I have my Saturn connected to my LAN (PC-DC server style) and am running my own free mail server (Cmail server). This server has the ability to forward emails to a specified email address using whatever SMTP server you specify. I have successfully sent an email from my Dreamcast (which also needs non-encrypted SMTP) to my gmail account with an attachment. The server can also download from the same gmail account and pass the mail on to the Dreamcast or Saturn.

All of this works because the mail server is setup to provide a basic non-encrypted SMTP server on the LAN for the Saturn or Dreamcast and then use an encrypted SMTP server to send the mail on to the web.

I haven't been able to test it, but this could probably work as an internet mail server if you can't connect your Netlink to your LAN but can connect through traditional dial-up. You would have to specify your own public IP for your broadband connection as the outgoing server.

In combination with the "Save Game Manager" homebrew software, we could exchange ghost files for games such as Daytona USA or Sega Rally and play a pseudo netlink match.

If anyone is interested in more details, let me know.
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Re: Sending/receiving email over Netlink is possible...

Post by SEGA RPG FAN »


I was just able to send an email (with a save attached) to my gmail account and then retrieve the email from gmail to the Saturn with the save file intact and downloadable.

I thought I should note that you can use this method to send to most likely any email address, but I have only tested downloading from gmail.
PSO Dreamcast 100% Legit: Eda FOmarl, Automaton HUcast

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