What dreamcast games are you currently playing these days?

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Posts: 70
Dreamcast Games you play Online: Quake, Starlancer, Chu chu rocket, AFO, PSO

Re: What dreamcast games are you currently playing these days?

Post by RobisMarshall »

Been playing Marvel Vs Capcom 1 and 2,
Powerstone 2
Flag to Flag (love this gem)
Sturmwind, I want to find out what that surprise unlockable is
Gunlord (I suck at this game)

Posts: 1249
Dreamcast Games you play Online: I haven't played any dreamcast games online yet.
But I'm planning to do so soon.

Re: What dreamcast games are you currently playing these days?

Post by beanboy »

After a few days of not gaming, Tuesday 6th April, was my gaming day.

Started off with Soul Calibur before 2pm.
I played Ryoma in Powerstone.
Soul Calibur again
Lots of CvS1
Played the secret character Oboro Bishamon in Vampire ChronIcle.
Project Justice with the team of Batsu, Hinata and Ran Hibiki
MvC1 I played Venom and Chun Li. That boss is tough. But I got to see Venom's ending.
More CvS1. I finally made over 10,000 vs points.
And I learned to play big boy Chang in KOF Evo. :D

Played MvC1 the day after too, with some Alpha 3 later on. I finally beat that game with Balrog. His ending is hilarious. No spoilers.

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Location: Vancouver, Canada

Re: What dreamcast games are you currently playing these days?

Post by DreamcoastBC »

I've recently been playing Marvel vs Capcom 2 and Soul Calibur, two games I'll always go back to.

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Dreamcast Games you play Online: Trying them all

Re: What dreamcast games are you currently playing these days?

Post by Retro-45 »

Haven’t turned on the Dreamcast in a while until a few days ago. Played Project Justice with my friend then listened to the music in metropolitan Street racer, then just got done playing some crazy taxi.
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Re: What dreamcast games are you currently playing these days?

Post by OriginalName »

While I've mainly been playing through Grandia on Saturn these days, I've been filling my spare time trying to get less awful at Space Channel 5. Such an awesome, stylish series that I'm just horrible at. Got into the 30's on Space Channel 5 Part 2's 100-stage dance battle which was a big step up. I have no problem remembering the inputs in order, but I just have zero natural sense of rhythm apparently.

Once I'm done with Grandia, I'd like to chip away at my Dreamcast backlog. Ikaruga, Illbleed, Code Veronica, and Lack of Love are big items in my collection that I'm looking forward to making my way through. I do have late-game saves for Blue Stinger and Ecco the Dolphin: DOTF that I should get around to finishing, though.

I managed Radiant Silvergun's original mode years back, so I think I'll be able to see Ikaruga through to the end... it'll take a LOT of lives, though. Seems like a good one to play on-and-off alongside a longer, more introspective game.

Posts: 1249
Dreamcast Games you play Online: I haven't played any dreamcast games online yet.
But I'm planning to do so soon.

Re: What dreamcast games are you currently playing these days?

Post by beanboy »

I've been playing a good bunch of MvC1, and a bit of Guilty Gear X By your side, for the past couple of days. That last boss called Onslaught in MvC1, is cheap as heck. I finally beat the game with Wolverine last night after many attempts, and got to see his ending.

Then after MvC1, I played Baiken in GGX and had a super close win against Dizzy. Good thing her magic mat, hit Dizzy at the right time, otherwise it would have been a double KO. That was the closest match I've ever had against Dizzy. Lol!

I played Yoshimitsu in Soul Calibur a few days ago. Lots of fun. Then, it was me playing Yoshimitsu vs. Kilik in training mode. Why didn't namco put a proper vs cpu mode in this game? Lol.

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Re: What dreamcast games are you currently playing these days?

Post by DCGX »

The bosses in all the 'Marvel vs. Capcom' games, especially '3,' are cheap and boring in my opinion.

I finally sat down and put some time into 'Xenocider.' I really like it. It's easy to pick up and play, and while the first go around can feel cheap because of the lack of draw distance and your own character getting in the way of your view, the levels are so short it's easy to not repeat mistakes after a death.

That said, depth perception is a real issue. It's hard to tell if your bullets are on the correct track to hit enemies or where enemies and their bullets are when they get close to you. It can be really frustrating. I also recommend increasing the cursor speed a lot, immediately. The default speed is so slow.

I played with the Twin Stick, and after first playing with the standard DC pad, I'm convinced there's no other way to play this game other than the Twin Stick. It works perfectly with 'Xenocider.'

I also dropped in 'Xeno Crisis' and 'Rush 2049' for a bit. I still have two cars and a handful of parts to unlock in the latter, since I've never actually raced that much. Mainly just played Stunt Mode with my sisters. Every time I race in 'Rush 2049' it reminds me how little effort Midway put in to adapting the controls and physics to consoles. This still feels way too arcadey, in a bad way. Lack of grip regardless of control stats. Fishtailing and trouble cornering when CPU cars take corners with ease. Some of the track design is just awful because of that. Still a great game, but if I didn't have nostalgia for it, I'd say it hasn't aged well.

Posts: 1249
Dreamcast Games you play Online: I haven't played any dreamcast games online yet.
But I'm planning to do so soon.

Re: What dreamcast games are you currently playing these days?

Post by beanboy »

I had fun playing Powerstone, and then Guilty Gear X. I finally beat the game, with the tall paper bag dude Faust. Lol!

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Re: What dreamcast games are you currently playing these days?

Post by mistamontiel »

I don't remember if I've burnt Guilty Gear PS1 but I know I have a genuine Dreamcast one played it through in Codebreaker's favor

..no villain no boss absolute wrecks it for me.. could this be.. I believe this the only title I've touched that all you do is kill the character roster

Posts: 217

Re: What dreamcast games are you currently playing these days?

Post by mkandersson1082 »

Been trying out Armada of late. It looks very simple graphically, but it's a fun game to get into.

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