POSTAL: DIGITAL EDITION is now FREE direct from Publisher

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Re: POSTAL: DIGITAL EDITION is now FREE direct from Publisher

Post by MoeFoh »

Retro-45 wrote:Umm I don’t think that’s a smart move to make about the signature issue just saying.

And I broke my own rule about feeding into this circus.

And can we please just bury the hatchet already. We really don’t need this after what happened to the last topic. We all vented our frustration about this.

We are feeding the fire that has already been lit, instead of trying to put it out. If we keep this up then the fire will consume us.

And this topic feels like rubbing salt in a open wound.
This is my last post on the matter. Promise. Took me awhile to get this one as it was a long post and I wanted to digest every word. My experience on dc-talk has improved significantly in the past few days. Why? Ignore list.

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Re: POSTAL: DIGITAL EDITION is now FREE direct from Publisher

Post by Ian Micheal »

MoeFoh wrote:
Retro-45 wrote:Umm I don’t think that’s a smart move to make about the signature issue just saying.

And I broke my own rule about feeding into this circus.

And can we please just bury the hatchet already. We really don’t need this after what happened to the last topic. We all vented our frustration about this.

We are feeding the fire that has already been lit, instead of trying to put it out. If we keep this up then the fire will consume us.

And this topic feels like rubbing salt in a open wound.
This is my last post on the matter. Promise. Took me awhile to get this one as it was a long post and I wanted to digest every word. My experience on dc-talk has improved significantly in the past few days. Why? Ignore list.
You mean like those childen with there fingers in there ears..
download.jpg (10.03 KiB) Viewed 6799 times
after you called another user Zoarb: a lier you put them on the ignore list..


Last 3 indie games have my name in the credits there is no ignore list for your eyes there..

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Re: POSTAL: DIGITAL EDITION is now FREE direct from Publisher

Post by CORE316 »

1. Postal Ripped , It happens.

2. Link to the Rip was posted right here on Front Page News Latest Posts for all to see including Dan. Sure he was thrilled!

3.Ian is pissed makes a post related to it venting frustration with a fellow friend and dev Dan.

4.Ian Micheal is a hypocrite he is on Site X thanking for downloading Indies that he may or may not have worked on but probably gets for free anyway (HE IS A DEV).

5.Now Zoarb is rusty in they're own words I might add so they bad for being rusty lol.

6.Nobody else is to blame here right... Like The Fake Ian Micheal aka... :roll:

7.Just drop it and stop digging a bloody hole here im not at all involved or nit picking but the other thread got locked cause of your nonsense just give over and move on.

Another member was calling for your Ban and this stirring the pot shit is exactly why told you before grow up and you may actually make some friends here @MoeFoh

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Post by Zoarb »

MoeFoh wrote:
Zoarb wrote:
MoeFoh wrote:
I'm not the one offering a free digital download - the publisher is. Let that sink in. I presume you will buying the CD version, yes?
Before I start this, I want to say, this could have all been avoided if you hadn't doubled down.

Alright, let's point out issues with everything you put. Point by point. It's been awhile, so I'm a bit rusty. So pleaese forgive me.

1: I'm not the one offering a free digital download -:

You are correct. You are not the one offering the digital download. But you are the one supporting it by sharing the link.

2: the publisher is (in regards to the one offering the free digitial download):
Same logic as "I'm not bad for doing drugs. The dealer is bad for giving it to me". But I'll entertain your point.

First. Let's point out the biggest falacy with your logic. It's like when people pop on World of Warcraft after saying how much they disapprove of what Blizzzard did, but defend themselves by saying they're not paying for the sub. It doesn't matter. They're still numbers the horrible company can show to investors, advertisers, prospective clients, etc.

However you chose to justify it, it doesn't make it ok.

The publisher is at fault here regardless. AKA Running with Scissors. They're the ones who made the call to make the game free. And because of that Dan is no longer receiving any kind of monetization from the project's digital distribution because of said publisher. And the distributor, aka, the people from the link you posted, are not the problem here either. They are just doing what they are told by RWS. AKA the rights holder for the series.

3: -Let that sink in. :

I know you're not familiar with me, but trust me, I don't need anything to "sink in" considering I have done my fair share of research when it comes to distribution rights. And copyright. And I certainly don't need education from someone who refuses to pay for other devs hard work if it's still being actively sold. As well as when that same person has encouraged piracy, and seemingly continues.

4: I presume you will buying the CD version, yes? :
Not that it matters, but I'll answer your question.

No. I will not be buying the physical release. As I do not know if the money goes to the rightful people. And quite frankly, it's not my type of game. So I wouldn't have bought it regardless. But I will be reaching out to Dan this Friday as it is my payday, and toss a couple of bucks their way if they'll let me.
Your right, you are a bit rusty. Points 1-3 are fabricated lies or utter non-sense. Point 4, agree, donate to Dan. Why don't you add this to your signature, "Repeat made up lies."
Man. If you think I'm rusty, I must of really messed up. What counterpoints do you got for me?

What? None?! Good talk lol.

So, wait. If point 1 is "fabricated", wouldn't that mean you ARE the one providing the link?

Lol. Great rebuttals by the way, you sure did show me. Really put me in my place. LMAO!

Good to know that what the community says about you is true. I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, but you're proving everything true.

But I'll give you 1 more chance here princess. Explain to me, how points 1 through 3 are fabricated. Because I'm willing to be wrong, and learn from my mistakes. And I expect sources.

Also, if you're going to attempt to debate me, I expect at least the proper spelling. And not the verbal flailing, and word vomit you've been doing lol.

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Nothing is guaranteed.

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If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

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Re: POSTAL: DIGITAL EDITION is now FREE direct from Publisher

Post by krovellium »

MoeFoh wrote:
This is my last post on the matter. Promise. Took me awhile to get this one as it was a long post and I wanted to digest every word. My experience on dc-talk has improved significantly in the past few days. Why? Ignore list.
yeah, block everyone who doesnt agree with u. thats super mature. i may b young as fuck but at least im not immature lol

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Re: POSTAL: DIGITAL EDITION is now FREE direct from Publisher

Post by MondoGecko »

I honestly find this whole situation a little silly. Dan worked hard on Postal and deserves recognition for that, but being that he wasn't hired by RWS and doesn't own the IP, the situation with RWS and WAVE releasing the game for free and Dan not making much money on the project is entirely predictable and completely understandable.

Should you Support Dan for his work? Absolutely, on your own accord. Is he actually entitled to that support? In this particular case, absolutely not.

I understand this will not be a popular stance to take around here. This whole ordeal is an unfortunate thing for this developer. We all want hard working developers to receive their due. In this particular case, however, RWS and WAVE's handling of the matter is very well within their right, and if you have a problem with it there is zero reason to take it out on the rights holders, the publisher, or especially the end-users, as I've seen happening repeatedly in these threads.

Unless you want to go down the road of attempting to change copyright law for independent developers and intellectual property rights, I find it much healthier to accept the situation as it is and to try to find progressive means of working around it (donations are a good start) than it is to condemn the rights holders, the publisher, or the end-users for participating in what are morally and legally perfectly acceptable actions. I find no need for any of the anger and name calling I've been seeing here. This will not help Dan through this situation and will only serve to make this cause look bad. You attract more bees with honey than vinegar.

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Re: POSTAL: DIGITAL EDITION is now FREE direct from Publisher

Post by DanRedfield »

Oh for the love of... :roll:

- Did it suck to see it listed on a pirate site? Yes
- Did I know there was going to be an official digital release? No
- Am I over the moon about it being free? Not really - it was 18 months work, most of that on top of childcare, with an unplanned & intense crunch to make it commercial quality.
- Can I do anything about it? No
- Is it the main reason I decided to leave DC dev? No, there were multiple factors.
- Am I accepting donations? No, but thank you for the gesture.
- Am I done with gamedev? Not by a long shot.
- Is this my final word on the matter? Yes

Whether you buy the game or download it, I hope you enjoy it and that I've done the scene justice - coop mode is the best way to play it.
Now please, can we just draw a line under this and move on. I have a 13 month old to care for and my next game to make.

See you around my friends.

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Re: POSTAL: DIGITAL EDITION is now FREE direct from Publisher

Post by FlorreW »

Thank you Dan for the hard work you done with this. It is much appreciated.

I wish you all the best in whatever project you start/join in the future. And ofc all the best with your Family. Make sure to enjoy the time whith you small one.

Hope you still will be around Dan.
Best regards /Florian

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Re: POSTAL: DIGITAL EDITION is now FREE direct from Publisher

Post by BuffaloBill »

It aint over till the Fat Lady Sings... I sure hope she is atleast a size 14 ;)

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