Future Dreamcast Release? You have the choice

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Re: Future Dreamcast Release? You have the choice

Post by Anthony817 »

DCGX wrote:Oh. Anthony, you submitted my reply as I submitted mine, so my response is mainly to cloofoofoo.
All good lol.

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Re: Future Dreamcast Release? You have the choice

Post by mazonemayu »

I'm totally with you on the overcharging part, I really don't have anything against Josh Prod as a company (I mean the guy has to make a living too), nor do I have problems with ports being released. Hell it has happened for years now, and on every system out there, I do however find it a bit unfair that a port costs almost as much or more than a new (read: developed from scratch) indie game, at this rate, the DC will become the garbage heap for old games, and folks who are willing to make a quick buck, because it is simply easier (and cheaper) to port something, than to actually make a game from scratch...soon no one will make "new" games anymore, coz they can just as easy (easier in fact) make money from rehashing old shit...and therein lies the problem. In a while we'll be paying 40 Euros for a ZX Spectrum game released on the DC, while someone like Orion is busting his balls to actually make new indie games, and manages to sell em for 15 to 36 Euros...I mean even the cheapest version of Izzy only cost 30 Euros on their Kickstarter, again, a brand new game for less...
We are SEGA generation.


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Re: Future Dreamcast Release? You have the choice

Post by Anthony817 »

The great part of this all is that customers will vote with their wallets.

I do hear where you guys are coming from though mazonemayu, trust me I really do. I am a huge PC gamer, and Steam has been flooded over the past 3-4 years with shit titles where every indie developer with UE4 or Unity experience can release trash on there. The good Indie devs on PC as well as many lesser known AAA quality games unfortunately get lost in the pile of other games. So I totally get it.

However that being said, there are a lot of great PSP minis and other games from that system I would love to see. Lets face it, those games are more than perfect for DC because it had the exact same limitations with controls. 1 analoug and 2 shoulder buttons as well as standard face buttons. So those games, since they are also running on somewhat similarly matched hardware would make porting games a much more obvious choice there. A FPS game I would love to see ported over is the Halo clone called N.O.V.A. This was such a kick ass FPS on PSP.

PC games that get ports would be much more simplistic, unless 2D and some 2D games are made with way more powerful hardware in mind than DC. So even those games from PC I don;t see as likely to come.

Mobile games should be good though, I believe the old IPhone's had PVR graphics chips too which would make those possible a good idea for ports.

I am just so crazy about Dreamcast that any potential game I see ported over I get super excited about. I see it not as a negative, but a possibility for our libraries to continuously grow much larger than we had ever imagined before in the past.

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Re: Future Dreamcast Release? You have the choice

Post by DCGX »

mazonemayu wrote:I'm totally with you on the overcharging part, I really don't have anything against Josh Prod as a company (I mean the guy has to make a living too), nor do I have problems with ports being released. Hell it has happened for years now, and on every system out there, I do however find it a bit unfair that a port costs almost as much or more than a new (read: developed from scratch) indie game, at this rate, the DC will become the garbage heap for old games, and folks who are willing to make a quick buck, because it is simply easier (and cheaper) to port something, than to actually make a game from scratch...soon no one will make "new" games anymore, coz they can just as easy (easier in fact) make money from rehashing old shit...and therein lies the problem. In a while we'll be paying 40 Euros for a ZX Spectrum game released on the DC, while someone like Orion is busting his balls to actually make new indie games, and manages to sell em for 15 to 36 Euros...I mean even the cheapest version of Izzy only cost 30 Euros on their Kickstarter, again, a brand new game for less...
Thank you, mazonemayu, this is what I'm trying to say!

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Re: Future Dreamcast Release? You have the choice

Post by MastaG »

I think I'd cut of a small piece of my penis if he'd get the rights to port Sonic Mania to the Dreamcast.

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Re: Future Dreamcast Release? You have the choice

Post by The-Amazing-Mr_V »

Josh Prod has done an invictus game. Maybe he could port something from them again. Such as Tap 'n slash.

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Re: Future Dreamcast Release? You have the choice

Post by Papa_Wisdom »

krssn wrote:Simple. Translations of JP only DC games...
As a huge fan of jap releases of games this is something I would totally get on board with, especially if I could FINALLY play Segaga in English. Even better would be the inclusion of things like obi's/reg cards of some kind and ad phamplets for released or upcoming games as part of the packaging! I would pay a premium for that but as it stands none of the joshprod released games have the interested me.

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