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Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 12:06 pm
by mr_everdread
As a kid I recall wanting a Saturn sooooo bad. But it was just way too expensive.

It was $499 Canadian I'm pretty sure. I was 12, how the hell was I going to get my parents to shell that out? Plus tax that's almost $600 cdn.

PlayStation was a little more reasonable @ 399

Especially after the follies that were the Sega CD and 32x. Who wanted to invest so much in sega?

By the time Dreamcast came I had a job and bought one asap. Aaaaaand it failed too.

Any way it seems now Sega is stuck recycling stuff from their glory days when they seemed to be getting things right. But honestly, and this touches on what Iron is saying.
I think Sega is now listening to their fans too much.

It would be like asking the dishwasher how he wants to run the restaurant or something.


Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 7:36 pm
by Bob Dobbs
I agree with you!