The Dolmexica Engine [Moddable 2D Fighter]

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Re: The Dolmexica Engine [Moddable 2D Fighter]

Post by Neohound »

Here it is, a bit late:
May Day.png

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Re: The Dolmexica Engine [Moddable 2D Fighter]

Post by VasiliyRS »

Here's another video as i promised:

This time i found little bug i think. You can notice it starting from 5:19 - 5:45.

And third suggestion just came out of this video - timer settings. :)
P.S. Tomorrow more about the future of "Dolmexica"! Yay!!
I am very excited about the engine's future!
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Re: The Dolmexica Engine [Moddable 2D Fighter]

Post by PhiseJr »

So im trying to get some of the information on the engine. But some of the links arent there anymore for everything. So whats possible with the other Files from Sendspace thay are all gone ? can someone Upload them if you have them.
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Re: The Dolmexica Engine [Moddable 2D Fighter]

Post by Dreamcaster »

PhiseJr wrote:So whats possible with the other Files from Sendspace thay are all gone ? can someone Upload them if you have them.
Some time ago I've uploaded it to my Google Drive. To download it click on File --> Download.


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Re: The Dolmexica Engine [Moddable 2D Fighter]

Post by PhiseJr »

Dreamcaster wrote:
PhiseJr wrote:So whats possible with the other Files from Sendspace thay are all gone ? can someone Upload them if you have them.
Some time ago I've uploaded it to my Google Drive. To download it click on File --> Download.


- Street Fighter vs Mortal Kombat (dpr-sfvsmk)
Not the games, the other files and tools, I'm surprised no one is taking advantage of the engine and doing any development well at least announced something.
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Re: The Dolmexica Engine [Moddable 2D Fighter]

Post by VasiliyRS »

So whats possible with the other Files from Sendspace thay are all gone ? can someone Upload them if you have them.
Where it was posted and links you mean ?
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Re: The Dolmexica Engine [Moddable 2D Fighter]

Post by PhiseJr »

On the Information page for the engine, Captain DC had some of the tools for the game. He put the link is his Launch Day of the Engine.
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Re: The Dolmexica Engine [Moddable 2D Fighter]

Post by Captain Dreamcast »

PhiseJr wrote: Not the games, the other files and tools, I'm surprised no one is taking advantage of the engine and doing any development well at least announced something.
First the serious stuff, before I can goof off:

All Tools can be found here (for Windows and Linux. Dear Mac users: Please just send angry PMs to me for the time being):

Code: Select all
The other files are down I see... Well, it was clear from the get-go that SendSpace had an expiration date, so I'm only partially surprised. (BUT STILL 100% SAD! :( ) Dreamcaster was right (kudos to you for that, and also for the file hosting :D ), all the single files from the homepage's "Downloads" section are stored within the two releases. Urgh, since SendSpace is playing the eliminator card, please download the two mods at the iSOZONE for now:

Code: Select all

White Version:

Street Fighter vs. Mortal Kombat:
Time to go hunting for better file hosts now, gotta love that.

Now you may wonder what happened the last few months with the D-Engine? Is there a new release just around the corner, or did I ditch it to work on an Adventure-RPG instead? To be honest, I DID leave it temporarily in order to gain a little distance and train some more to be able to improve the D-Engine even more drastically. Most of my training was focused on Sound stuff (formerly Dolmexica's weakest sector, code-wise), to make an SD-release possible. Another big part was me learning a scripting language (for something else actually, but hey). These two fields directly affect the two main new changes:

#1 Ogg Vorbis support. Just pump in .ogg files and listen to them play: Streams when using a CD, but have to be loaded fully into RAM when using a device that's too slow to stream Ogg files properly (Still have to test with SD cards). Speed-wise, it works, as it was not as much of an impact on the game code as I had first believed (Can still be improved though...).

#2 Custom Artificial Intelligence for characters. That one's pretty friggin' awesome if you think about it: It erases the stupidity of most characters and allowes you to actually make characters use their advantages (high jumps-> make character jump more often). Sadly, it is a tad difficult, as it works using the scripting language LUA 5.2, so knowing the basics of LUA is a prerequesite to using this function. I've also turned the Standard Dolmexica AI into a LUA file as an example, just to show you how such a custom AI may look. Speed-wise, there is an impact every few frames, due to the way LUA works. Thankfully I managed to port LUA 5.2 to the Dreamcast, which is better for games than 5.1. Or so I've read.

Both of these changes are optional. If no .ogg file exists, CDDA is used, if no LUA Artificial Intelligence file exists, Dolmexica's internal AI takes over. No harm done, these are pure improvements.

The release would be ready already, but there are two small problems, one for each improvement:

#1 There is a bug in the KallistiOS distribution concerning the streaming library. To make everything work, I first had to patch up KallistiOS in an unorthodox way, which will in no way be approved of by the actual maintainers of the library, mainly because it does not fix the bug, but only gentlemanly evades it. So yeah, that causes all kinds of legality problems (Blergh), so I have to contact the KOS maintainers first and see if they have a better idea than me.

#2 KallistiOS comes with LUA 5.1. Since my LUA tutorial used 5.2 (and 'cause 5.2 is better for games), I just said "Screw it" and ported 5.2 to the DC. Using it in conjunction with KallistiOS may cause license problems again, I fear. So hooray, another hurdle on the way.

Other changes are invisible: Bug fixes, core improvements, blablabla. Version 1.0.1 is more of a technical improvement, with gameplay completely unchanged. So much for that. :)

*Puts finger in nose* Can I goof off now?
Dolmexica is, like, totally Publisher-approved now, Max from RedSpotGames checked it out at GamesCom 2012. Of course only the "White Version", we would never hurt Capcom's/WarnerBros' sovereign copyrights, would we? :mrgreen:
As you may or may not now, one of the Stages was based on the 2010 RSG booth, renamed "BlueDotGames", looking identical to the booth in every way except in color. In the end, he took my "White Version" disc and joked that RedSpotGames would have published that game in a heartbeat. :D

Please start speculation that RSG will be publishing a Captain DC game next year, now. :mrgreen:

I know it's hardly Dolmexica-related, but I was attending GamesCom looking completely like the ingame char, even with a custom-made GO GO TARI shirt. Sadly, beautiful Aika cosplayers do not seem to be as impressed by that outfit as I had initially believed. :lol:
On the other hand, Ed Boon, programmer of Mortal Kombat (50% of Street Fighter vs. Mortal Kombat :P ) actually was, and signed my favorite bandana. Didn't reveal Mortal Kombat's programming secrets to me though. :mrgreen:

Ah, and somebody has begun work on a Dolmexica mod! His full name is "SeongGino/ComputerLunarVidGamR/Captain Awesome/Mr. WiggleMuffins Turbo Hyper Special Champion Limited Christmas edition 3D Remix" and his mod is called Dolmexi-Brawl. He tried to post here, but his account wasn't activated for some reason, so he posted here. He's a really swell guy, so once his account is activated here, we must really show support for his project, okay? :D
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Re: The Dolmexica Engine [Moddable 2D Fighter]

Post by Captain Dreamcast »

It's Dreamcast-Day, so rules (especially those concerning double posts) do not apply, yohohoho! :lol:

Hopefully, this year's gonna be a real release frenzy again, with new apps, announcements, ports and games released on an hourly basis! Someone I knew once said: Not having at least a little something prepared for September 9th is a Dreamcast release grou... errr... Dreamcast developer's biggest shame.

It's midnight in Germany, so let's kick off 9/9/12 with a "little something" from me:

Dolmexica Engine Version 1.0.1!

Here is the official ( :ugeek: ) changelog:

Code: Select all

    ---CURRENT VERSION: 1.0.1---

    ~Changes introduced in 1.0.1:

    * Artificial Intelligence: Enabled optional customized AI with Lua.

    * Ogg Vorbis support: Optional Ogg playback during fights and menus.
                          Either streams or loads everything in the RAM, depending on the filesystem.

    * Option Menu: Added an optional Option Menu with the following options: 
                   Timer Start Value, Difficulty and Sound (leads to the old Sound Option menu).

    * Moddability: The Main Menu and the Life Bar are now moddable.

    * Pre-Compilation Configuration: CONFIG.h and CONFIG.MAKEFILE include options which can be 
                                     altered before compiling the main binary.

    * Music stops when pausing the game: Curse you, Angry Video Game Nerd! Curse you and your 
                                         correct and justified nitpickery!

    * Miscellaneous minor Bug fixes: Nothing noticeable, no gamebreaker-type Bugs.
There will not be an updated version of the two example mods, due to a lack of visible feats (only the new Option Menu). Documentation/Guides for the new features will be added in time.

Apparently, whoever wrote the post above me lied, 'cause some other ideas were incorporated into 1.0.1. Vasiliy's idea to have more options was very necessary (and not that hard to include, hehe), but the Training Mode will have to wait a little longer. :)

Version 1.0.2 is currently planned to introduce SD-adapter support (basically the main reason Ogg Vorbis support was added in this version), can't really say when that will be finished. (<- SD-adapter got lost in the mail, maybe the mail man doesn't like me?) Most of my programming time is currently clogged up by a little something else (OKAY, OKAY, I THOUGHT REAL HARD ABOUT IT AND REDSPOTGAMES X CAPTAIN DC SPECULATION IS, LIKE, TOTALLY ALLOWED IN THIS THREAD), so it may take a little. Probably not as long as this Version, though! :lol:

Happy Dreamcast-Day, everybody! Let's keep the dream alive for another 13 years! :mrgreen:
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Re: The Dolmexica Engine [Moddable 2D Fighter]

Post by noiseredux »

you are awesome CaptainDC.

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