immature gamecube kiddies dissing the dreamcast back in the day

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Re: immature gamecube kiddies dissing the dreamcast back in the day

Post by krovellium »


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Re: immature gamecube kiddies dissing the dreamcast back in the day

Post by Dbrikashabukshan »


Lets show those gamecube fans what true war is

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Re: immature gamecube kiddies dissing the dreamcast back in the day

Post by MondoGecko »

blueagent wrote:my hope is that, by preserving the past i hope that future gamers will see what kind of people the gamecube fanbaes really are, so that they, along with the other gaming communities as a whole will no longer take any of their frothing, bogus negetive claims about the dreamcast seriously.
I can't take your post seriously, you've been upset about forum posts on the Internet from people who disagree with you over video games for, what, nearly a few decades now?
I love the Dreamcast as much as the next guy but come on... This can't be mentally healthy for you.

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Re: immature gamecube kiddies dissing the dreamcast back in the day

Post by Ryo_Hazuki »

My only question is if the Dreamcast would be able to do the water and heat effect of the Mario sunshine game?

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Re: immature gamecube kiddies dissing the dreamcast back in the day

Post by Ryo_Hazuki »

My only question is if the Dreamcast would be able to do the water and heat effect of the Mario sunshine game?

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Re: immature gamecube kiddies dissing the dreamcast back in the day

Post by Dbrikashabukshan »

Ryo_Hazuki wrote:My only question is if the Dreamcast would be able to do the water and heat effect of the Mario sunshine game?
Probably very well if coded to do so.

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Re: immature gamecube kiddies dissing the dreamcast back in the day

Post by cloofoofoo »

Ryo_Hazuki wrote:My only question is if the Dreamcast would be able to do the water and heat effect of the Mario sunshine game?
Yes its able. Technically even ps1 could do it. All these effect really are is a variation of rendering to a texture. The problem starts with the fact having to render the same scene from multiple " cameras" to a texture , will put stress on the cpu not mention having multiple viewport rendering plus regular front and back buffer will eat fillrate. The gamecube is able to cope with it a little better because its faster in all specs( memory, cpu, tnl, gpu features).

So can you do it on dc yes but you would have to plan carefully how to execute it.

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Re: immature gamecube kiddies dissing the dreamcast back in the day

Post by OfManNotMachine »

Wow man...

That was like...21 years ago?

Who cares. I'm sure there was plenty of Sega trolls during the 16-bit wars doing the same thing to NES and SNES owners as well.
Immature are everywhere. Ignore em and move on.

The DC still sees new games in 2022, so we got the last laugh in the end anyways

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Re: immature gamecube kiddies dissing the dreamcast back in the day

Post by Zoarb »

TL;DR Every point made is either "delusional fanboy" which is based on their incorrect interpretation of the catalog of the 'cube. Which is easily verified to be incorrect. Or "This thing was DC first, not GC first." And you're wrong there in most cases based on the the titles they listed. You should be a politician. Because you seem to be good at saying so much, while saying nothing.

OP asks where the community is, makes three posts, and dips:
Holy HELL! Like, I'm all for "attack" posts. But this... this is just bad. And... if you're gonna make a place to document these things. At least use proper capitalization. Did you capitalize anything here? But that's petty. So that's the only minor point I'm gonna bring up. However, this whole post is just stupid petty.

If this is your way of "exposing" through old things, twitter is your style. Go there. But, I kind of get what you're doing here (presumably). It's your way of archiving. However. This isn't the place. And... you're just bad at making any hard hitting points.

Enough waffle. Let's address some things that observably state "op should seek therapy" about this post.

Post by: Sean697

Title semantics are in play. The only one that is incorrectly stated was Skies of Arcadia as they got the Legends version. And while the worst that could come from this would be perpetuating a false narrative, it's easily verified incorrect with a quick google search. And as a huge PSO fan, I'll say this here. PSO ep 3 was not a pso game. It should have been a spinoff. So good for us GC fans I guess lol. We got the worse versions of the Adventure games, and a version of Skies of Arcadia with some things ripped out, but stuff added as well. But if you want to argue semantics here, every game listed (aside from Skies of Arcadia as it was listed here) was only on GC. As in, THAT version was on GC first. Def not a prime example of "kiddies" "damaging the DC's rep" as everything listed is easily verified one way or the other with a quick Wikipedia search.

VERDICT: Version title semantics make them correct, and you incorrect.

Post by: Shikamaru Ninja:

"How can the DC lineup be better...?" A simple question. An inflammatory one? It could be argued. But a question, nonetheless. And it seems they at least know the great DC games came over. Per their own wording.
"came over improved" more or less. Some stuff added, but some things worse, or taken out. Nothing here is technically wrong.

VERDICT! Not wrong. But worded in such a way to get a reaction. Which you took the bait.

Post by: tankplanes98:

HOW CAN YOU TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY? Even if they were serious, I can guarantee THEY are the minority. No one still thinks this. The wii has its fans. I'm one of em. But mainly for my light gun fix.

But your issue seems to be that they think SA2 Battle was only made for the GC at the time. And it was. So, you're just wrong. Come down off that high horse dude. The DC got SA2. Not SA2 Battle. It comes down to name semantics, I get it. But there's a reason that wording, and phrasing is so important here.

VERDICT: They're right. SA2 Battle was released for the GC, and not the DC. SA2 was released on the DC not the Gamecube. How many of these are based around this argument? If there are anymore, I'm just gonna copy and paste the following verdict: Version title semantics make them correct, and you incorrect.

Post by: Samuel Roberts, Henry St Leger, Olivia Tambini, Vic Hood: (jfc that name)

I actually agree with this to a degree. However, I get your issue kind of. But your reason for your "attack" here is just born from disdain. You're gonna look me in the face, and tell me the DC dying didn't benefit the GC? And again, depending on the wording, these versions were exclusive the gc for the time. Some still are.

VERDICT: Version title semantics make them correct, and you incorrect.

Post by: Estil

THAT'S YOUR ISSUE WITH THIS? Not "but it was obvious they were meant for the 'cube." ? That's the statement that I would focus on. And that's the statement you should focus on.

VERDICT! Focus on the things that are factually incorrect. AND NOT "They said it was only on the 'cube". As well as pay attention to the title being presented. There's a reason they have been so few posts calling SA2 Battle SA2. Same goes for Skies of Arcadia Legends not being called Skies of Arcadia.

... getting worn out. How many more of these horrible posts have you shown?
OH MY GOD! Talk to people! Do something productive! I'm bored at work atm, and I have nothing to do. That's my excuse.

Alright. Next!

Post from: GPRailroad

VERDICT: Version title semantics make them correct, and you incorrect.

Post from: Pretas: Good job! You got one.

Verdict! OP actually got one. However, this is just at worse spreading misinformation, or perpetuating a false narrative. And again, easily verified false with a quick Wikipedia search. And the reason this would never do any real damage to the DC's reputation, it's a niche game. So even if it wasn't so easily proven false, it wouldn't have done much damage either.

Post from ANON:

Such a brave soul.

Verdict: OP got another one. But still a pretty bad record. Let's continue.

Post by: wwtoonlinkfan:

Quite a common misconception. However, you both are wrong. It was ZPC from 1996. So to answer your question, that's the reason "why didn't more of the dreamcast fanbase stood against that back then?" It's because you both were wrong lol.

Verdict: You both are wrong.

Post by: The Red Panda: (Idk if I've ever met anyone with RedPanda in their username that had anything productive to say, but let's keep going).

Again, ya both are wrong.

Verdict: You both are wrong.

Post by: Marcus:

"first cel-shaded game I ever saw" You can't judge personal experiences. Or personal taste.

Your rebuttal? "the environments in windwaker aren't even entirely cell-shaded, and yet the gamecubers think its' better than every cellshaded game. unbelievable." Personal taste is unbelievable to you. I get it. But some of us have the ability to grasp it.

Verdict: A person's personal history has no basis in the timeline in which the media was released.


Post by: Agjsdfd:

Lol! That's just factually incorrect. And I'll concede that they're omission of the DC is noted. It doesn't seem to be out of disdain. Just out of ignorance.

Your response? "so how many dreamcast games are there? no one in the dreamcast community has documented the total number of games for comprison to this day, i can't really do a comparison...... again what are you guys doing?"

My response? Enjoying life lol. Going outside. Playing with my cats, doing karaoke, helping people I care about, ajamming out to music, and playing my bass. Among so many other things. Who cares how many games were released? Though I'm sure the information is out there. I just don't care enough about it. I have the games I want to play. And I have my favorites.

It's a fact though. The GC did win over the DC. It sold more units. Is that considered "defeating?" I wouldn't say so. Especially onsidering the PS2 committed genocide on every other console of that generation lol.

Another of your responses: "aside from insisting that dreamcast ports of their favourite games were infact exclusive to gamecube first, the gamecube kiddies had also recently begin to spread misinformation about how their console had actually more games than the ps2, and even going as far as to say that the gamecube has "won" that generation of console war and defeated the dreamcast in the process. let us look at how ridiculous those people were."

My response? Ok cool. So, you know they're incorrect. Now put the correct information out there and quit complaining about it lol. EDUCATE! Are you one of those people who shame people getting into a new hobby because of their ignorance to something brand new to them? Because you seem like that kind of person lol.

Verdict: Op should get a negative point here. Because while the post is factually incorrect, the DC is not mentioned, or even alluded to in the post. Not only that, but they then attempt to shame the DC community for not knowing off hand, or possibly having confirmed documentation of the exact number of titles released for the DC in all regions.

Post by: JLF1

Honestly? Some of the best jrpg's of that gen. The GC had next to none. As a matter of fact, ProJared did a video going over all of them. But again! You're on a DC forum, complaining about GC fanboys attacking the DC, when in this post, there is no attacking the DC going on. It's not even mentioned. At this point, you're just pointing at the Nintendo fanboy, and screaming "look at this idiot."

Verdict: DC was not mentioned or alluded. No points. NEXT!

Post by: VanillaLake:

The wording here makes it hard to decipher is they're saying the PS2 is considered the best console ever, or the GC. Which, if I'm not 100% sure on the meaning of the phrasing, I'm not judging it.

Verdict: DC wasn't mentioned. Who cares about this in this context? Next.

Post by: srkelley5

Verdict: DC wasn't mentioned. Not relevant in this context. Next.

Post by: #1 surfer_dude_:

Your rebuttal: "so this gamecube kiddie is saying that the gamecube has also won against the ps3. by this individual's standard though, he is also in a way, saying that the gamecube beated the wii, because afterall the gamecube was also fighting the console war of 2006 am i right?"

My response: Not what was said. A simple observation of the ps3 having a slow start was what was stated.

Verdict: Whataboutisms are a horrible debate tactic. DC wasn't mentioned. Who cares about this in this context? Next.

Post by: "Anonymous 02/11/21(Thu)09:50:31 No.543853357▶" (yes I know, shutup lol)

The gc was more powerful than the ps2. That's just a fact. As far as the other stuff, that's factually incorrect. Observably proven false. Don't take it seriously. And most likely a troll. A good one, I'll give em that. Sprinkling truth in there is a great tactic. But a troll, nonetheless.

Verdict: DC wasn't mentioned. Not relevant in this context. Next.

Post by: Plissken:

Obvious bait. You took it. Congrats.

Your rebuttal: "need i say more?"


Verdict: DC wasn't mentioned. Not relevant in this context. Next.

"finally, we have gamecube kiddies making up the number of games that are available for the console. they are as follows." OH GOD! Are we almost done?



Post by: *not listed:

Here's the post: There are a few jet fighter games for gamecube, about 7-8
sadly most are rare, low budget and flopped badly ... ic=14207.0

Your rebuttal: "the dreamcast had areo dancing 1/2/i, along with macross m3.

meanwhile the gamecube only had that macross rip off game robotech battlecry and also that crappy low budget TOP GUN. that counts as 7-8 games in their eyes."

Verdict: Stop being a salesman for the DC. It wasn't mentioned. Not relevant in this context. Next.

Post by: *not listed:

Post: The N64 had a small handful of RPGs, while the Gamecube had up to 40 or 50 (to many to name). ... -26583392/

Factually incorrect. But again, not about the DC

Verdict: DC wasn't mentioned. Not relevant in this context. Next.

Final tally OP is 2 and 19

Final Result: If you're gonna make an "attack" post with 21 points you'd like to address, bring something damning.
Last edited by Zoarb on Tue Dec 27, 2022 9:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: immature gamecube kiddies dissing the dreamcast back in the day

Post by -drez01- »

This thread is really something special. The luls 8-)

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