Anyone bought dchdmi modded dreamcast from aliexpress?

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Posts: 1

Anyone bought dchdmi modded dreamcast from aliexpress?

Post by Rez »

Trying to see if anyone here has ever bought a dcdigital/dchdmi modded dreamcast from aliexpress or has any experience with those?

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Graffiti Grind
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Re: Anyone bought dchdmi modded dreamcast from aliexpress?

Post by fraggle200 »

I've not but looking at some of the "shops" that are selling them then I'd fully expect them to be ok. Don't think they're worth the £350-400 they're asking for them though but those ones come with a gdemu as well and with the price of the dchdmi and gdemus now thats not a huge markup on the parts.

the question then comes down to whether you think supporting a shop like Bitfunx is a good idea considering how they repeatedly steal independent makers within the retro community's designs/products and passing them off as their own, but I suppose thats your own ethics you need to wrestle with for that.

Posts: 3

Re: Anyone bought dchdmi modded dreamcast from aliexpress?

Post by HotDog »

I bought a BitFunX HDMI adapter. After it arrived the picture i got from this adapter was this: a very poor color saturation i think is the best term to describe this. Then it has heavy aliasing and there are artifacts on the screen. I tested it on two tv's and the one has also VGA, where DC looks like it always does, vibrant colors, having aliasing which comes from the console and not from the cable and no artifacts. So, i got an adapter that was neither as described on their Aliexpress shop page nor as those units beeing reviewed on youtube, which look exactly like my Dreamcast if connected through VGA. People not having a VGA port on their TV won't notice that a Dreamcast doesn't look like this but has much more beautiful and pleasing to the eye picture.

There can be one of two scenarios, i got a faulty one or Bitfunx is producing two different sets of units, one beeing send to youtube reviewers and one all the other can buy. Whatever the truth may be, after contacting them through Aliexpress, they just answer once,with an answer not helpful at all, like "i watch the video you send me, and I''ll come back to you" and then nothing ever happens, until i wrote them again, and in turn got another helpful anwer like "please wait a little longer". Even after writing them, that their customer service is just making the customer waiting and their products are a waste of money, they responded with: "Sorry for the late reply", that's it nothing more. So not only do they steal the work of others, but they also sell lower quality prodcuts to the customers, while advertising something different.

After this, and my GDEmu clone after having problems all the time stopped working after 2 1/2 years, i'm done with them.