About the Server Software...

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About the Server Software...

Post by BlueCrab »

So, I'm just wondering how long you all have been using My PSO server software, without even giving me the least bit of credit for it? Heck, you even copied my words directly out of my Wiki, and didn't even bother to source me for them.

Also, I know you've modified the code, being that I purposely disabled GC users connecting with PC or DC users because of the fact that its buggy. You've obviously taken out that precautionary check.(EDIT by BlueCrab: Ignore this, Sylverant wasn't in use at that time!)

I'd appreciate you all at least giving me credit for writing the Server software that you're using, and you know, contributing back any changes to the source that you've made (being that, you know, the thing is GPLed anyway).

You've already disrespected my stated wishes enough, please at least grant me the dignity to at least tell people who wrote the software that you're using. Man up, and put up the source code. Do your responsibility to the open source nature of the Sylverant project.

- Lawrence
Author of the Sylverant PSO Server
Last edited by BlueCrab on Wed Jun 23, 2010 8:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.


Re: About the Server Software...

Post by K_I_R_E_E_K »

I'll give my 2 cents even if i ain't the admin.

We never intended to disrespect you or you're work, in fact we are greatfull that you did it.
I know you are upset, but please do not consider us as thieves.

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Re: About the Server Software...

Post by BlueCrab »

The thing is, stealing is effectively what has happened here. The server in use is my server, and I'm not being credited for it at all. Not only that, but by changing the software and not releasing the code to the changes, it is going against the entire open source nature of the project. Not to mention that, but by copying my wiki without attribution to me, there is a violation of the Wiki content's license going on here as well. This all is a violation of my copyright, and I demand that it is rectified.

Also, as I've stated in the past on my site, I don't want to see all kinds of shipgates popping up. While there's nothing I can do to stop it, by the license I've chosen prior to today for the software, doing so is disrespecting me, and my wishes -- especially when you do it without even bothering to tell me about it!


Re: About the Server Software...

Post by K_I_R_E_E_K »

The 1st part only the ppl in charge can say something.

*Connects online*
hmm, schthack software is different in many ways and i see one more difference, when this server used schthack software evertime we went to the counter we had the credits of all who contributed.

No matter what is the reply of the admin, maybe you can put the credits on the lobby information by default to avoid future similar problems.

WAIT......saw something, section about dc-talk

Regarding this
Also, as I've stated in the past on my site, I don't want to see all kinds of shipgates popping up. While there's nothing I can do to stop it, by the license I've chosen prior to today for the software, doing so is disrespecting me, and my wishes -- especially when you do it without even bothering to tell me about it!
It doesn't belong here, i say this because this PSO server existed before your code was public, we were already using a server software, so changing from the old one to the new one you "made" (since it has pieces of code from ofther softwares) didn't add any shipgate to the actual PSO community
Last edited by K_I_R_E_E_K on Wed Jun 23, 2010 5:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: About the Server Software...

Post by BlueCrab »

K_I_R_E_E_K wrote:The 1st part only the ppl in charge can say something.

Regarding this
Also, as I've stated in the past on my site, I don't want to see all kinds of shipgates popping up. While there's nothing I can do to stop it, by the license I've chosen prior to today for the software, doing so is disrespecting me, and my wishes -- especially when you do it without even bothering to tell me about it!
It doesn't belong here, i say this because this PSO server existed before your code was public, we were already using a server software, so changing from the old one to the new one you "made" (since it has pieces of code from ofther softwares) didn't add any shipgate to the actual PSO community
My server has no code from other PSO servers in it that is in active use. In fact, here's a list of any sort of actively used code that was taken from anyone but myself:
  • PSO Encryption code by Fuzziqer Software (which he has been giving out since long before newserv/Aeon was open source)
  • SHA256/MD5 code from PolarSSL
  • Mersenne Twister random number generator
That said, there are indeed a few pieces in libsylverant that are no longer used that were from the Tethealla PSO server. As I said, these are no longer used, and will be removed now that I notice they are still there (they've actually never been used in any public version of my server). Also, I include Fuzziqer's PRS compression/decompression code in libsylverant, but it is not actually used by anything (and once again, this has been around longer than newserv/Aeon has been open source). I completely credit everyone who's work I've used on my site, more than can be said about this operation here. I give out my source code. It has all the copyright information in it.

No portion of login_server, patch_server, ship_server, or shipgate was written by anyone other than me.

I'm not trying to direct any anger at you specifically, K_I_R_E_E_K, but this whole thing of not crediting me at all really pisses me off. Also, putting "made" in quotes like my server is some kind of bastard child of the other PSO servers out there doesn't make me happy either. I know that you're not the admin of this place, but I really hope that whoever is sees this and replies.


Re: About the Server Software...

Post by K_I_R_E_E_K »

I didn't want to offend you by placing made in quotes, since i saw you thanking so many ppl and projects i tought you used atleast something from them.
I don't think your a bastard child, quite the oposite, i have been folowing your updates and improvements since the beginning and i find them quite good, you're work is not something to be discarded.

I found this, not in credits but in "About DC-talk" on the lobby counter

Last edited by K_I_R_E_E_K on Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: About the Server Software...

Post by Impulse »


Welcome to Dreamcast-Talk. I'm sorry you are here on such terms but I would like to make some things clear.

My intent was to contact you to discuss Dreamcast-Talk and sylverant sharing a shipgate or some sort of cooperation. In the mean time we were just testing the code you put out. I have been away from the dc scene for a while and recently started a new full time job so after I put the server up for testing I pretty much forgot about it.

I apologize for not contacting you sooner. We didn't mean to steal your software, or any ill will towards sylverant. We love your project and want to support it as much as possible. I would like to reverse anything we are doing that does not please you. I will credit you and the sylverant server on all pages mentioning pso server (of course if you allow us to still use it) and I never actually modified the source code. Your name should be in there. Our intention wasn't to hide what the server was.

Please don't hesitate to get in contact with my via PM if you would like to discuss anything privately.



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Re: About the Server Software...

Post by BlueCrab »

Impulse wrote:Bluecrab:

Welcome to Dreamcast-Talk. I'm sorry you are here on such terms but I would like to make some things clear.

My intent was to contact you to discuss Dreamcast-Talk and sylverant sharing a shipgate or some sort of cooperation. In the mean time we were just testing the code you put out. I have been away from the dc scene for a while and recently started a new full time job so after I put the server up for testing I pretty much forgot about it.
I thank you for taking the time to reply to my post. I'm honestly not that angry about the fact that a server was put up with my code, I'm more angry about the fact that I don't appear to be credited anywhere on the site for the work I put into it. Nor does the site even mention where the server software came from. Nowhere does it say that Sylverant is GPLed, or is the source pointed to. That's the part that irks me the most. To someone completely unassociated with your site that just happens to come here, it seems like you all have written the software yourself. In all honesty, if it wasn't for the fact that the part in your instructions that has the chat commands weren't in my own words, directly taken from my wiki, I probably wouldn't have even known myself (and of course, if a random google search hadn't landed me there in the first place).
I apologize for not contacting you sooner. We didn't mean to steal your software, or any ill will towards sylverant. We love your project and want to support it as much as possible. I would like to reverse anything we are doing that does not please you.
The main thing I'd like to see is credit given where credit is due, and any source changes that were made to be published, as I have said in my posts on the forums so far. I'm glad that you all are finding my software to be useful and relatively working. That said, I would also like to see the shipgate you all are running eventually get folded together with mine, but at the moment, I'm not entirely comfortable doing that (as I don't feel that my server is of production quality as of yet, hence why I'm not publicly telling people how to connect to my server unless they ask me directly ;) ).

Basically, what I'd like to see done as soon as possible is credit given to me (something like: This server is using Sylverant PSO Server, Copyright 2009-2010 Lawrence Sebald. (with a link to my site)), as is appropriate. Also, I'd like to see the source code to the server as it is running currently, and any changes that have been made to my code. Both, very reasonable requests, in my eyes.

Also, I'd be happy to work with you guys on a collaborative server, as soon as I'm ready to open my server up to the public.

One last question, out of curiosity, what kind of machine are you all running it on (specs, Operating System, etc). You can PM me that if you'd rather not post that publicly. I'm mainly just curious here.

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Re: About the Server Software...

Post by Impulse »


I will immediately credit you on all pages that mention the pso server. I can understand why you are unhappy about this and I also apologize for not sourcing the commands from your code site. It was really a dumb mistake on my part. I will fix that too.

I sincerely apologize in regard to everything that we've done using the server (not crediting, telling you, etc.) but I'm very happy that we can possibly collaborate on a shipgate/server etc. when you're ready.

I will PM you soon with the server specs and source info.

Thank you,


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Re: About the Server Software...

Post by Favrenation »

I think a collaborative server would be great! I have one question though: Do you have plans in the future to support NTSC Gamecubes? I know the whole Gamecube thing is buggy but it would be easier to just use a Gamecube than to get my Dreamcast online. Thanx!
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