If you were on sylverant you can create a new char, go online and use /restorebk command ( I think that’s it). You’ll still lose unequipped items and money but better than nothing
Sorry for that George! Happened to me too years ago, but i never suspected that was due to Next Tetris Game. I remember to play both Games the same time. Maybe IS a bug :/
This patch fixes all of the issues with the 60Hz patched PAL version by Japanese_cake.
Undoing the various PAL optimizations to make this the perfect...
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Update: I tried using DC universal patcher to patch the uncensored undub and it said missing IP.bin file in the temp folder so I used the disc1.gdi...
Hello all, just wanted to ask a quick question if anyone know where to find some high quality dreamcast image templates for the US / JAP? I'm looking...
I'm currently working on a small archive on Dreamcast website development. As such, if anyone has any useful links, I'd appreciate it....
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I have more to say about browsers but I'm tired. Mojibake is an entire subject, and I have polished up some gems from the old DC browsers group form...
openMenu is currently available in its early state!
ONLY GDI supported
ONLY USA boxart included currently...
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Add on features possible? To be clear im not requesting but asking if its possible. Thank you for your work and thanks to community for everything. I...
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