Stream movies trough Mac on Xbox 360!

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Graffiti Grind
Posts: 310
Dreamcast Games you play Online: Phantasy Star Online V2
Location: Norway

Stream movies trough Mac on Xbox 360!

Post by Scandinavian »

I have found a very very good method to stream movies trough a mac!
When you do this then you will find your movies in the "my movie" folder!

You need to download Connect360, this program will find the 360 wich is on the same network!
In the settings of the Connect360 is a fuction so you can choose wich folder to stream! (All files from itunes will be streamed anyway)

I made my HDD the folder of streaming! I therefor have 1100 movies on my Xbox (all backups offcourse :lol: )

Hope this little guide will help some of you:D
PSO Dreamcast: Felix (FOnewearl Lv 115)

Dreamcast Pal (bought brand new last year), BBA, VGA adapter with HDMI converter (720p), Sd card with 32 gb memory and retail PHANTASY STAR ONLINE V2
-Does it get any better for a Dreamcaster:D?

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