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Post by SevenDoubleYou »

I noticed that no one has yet made a post about the upcoming game, Skyrim. I for one and pretty excited about it's release and was wondering if anyone else is anticipating it. It should be out next Friday, 11/11/11, and is a continuation of the Elder Scrolls saga... I've played a ton of Oblivion, so needless to say I'm pretty stoked. I've heard there is something like 300+ hours of game play in Skyrim, where as the Oblivion game play totals in at around 100 hours... Thoughts?
"Don't you know blackmail is wayyyy uncool?"-Ryo Hazuki


Re: Skyrim

Post by K_I_R_E_E_K »

Once it gets releaed on pirate bay, i'll get it.
I just hope it has less bugs then oblivion, because after a while each single quest i was doing on oblivion always had something buggy, reading guides on how to avoid them was mandatory basicly.

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Re: Skyrim

Post by SevenDoubleYou »

Hm... that's odd, I never seemed to have any problems with Oblivion's game play. One thing that I am excited for is to see exactly how deep and complex the story line will be... Though Oblivion's story line was pretty well-conceived, I found closing all of those portals to Oblivion a bit tedious and tiresome.
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Re: Skyrim

Post by Neohound »

Oblivion never really grabbed me. I played it for a few hours and gave up without progressing very far and, to be honest I didn't enjoy it. I'm not sure why because usually those huge srawling rpgs really do appeal to me. Maybe it was the setting or the story, I'm not sure why I didn't connect with it. I ended up playing Mass Effect and the Fable games instead.

I will definitely look out for Skyrim though. I might find it more accessible this time around ?

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Re: Skyrim

Post by SevenDoubleYou »

Well, from what I know, Skyrim is bound to be much more expansive than Oblivion. That beings sai, you get to fight dragons! Who doesnt like that?
"Don't you know blackmail is wayyyy uncool?"-Ryo Hazuki


Re: Skyrim

Post by K_I_R_E_E_K »

Someone might get the game for me wednesday, that and sonic generations.
So far skyrim seems to be buggy wich isn't exactly something i like, but since i'm not paying for the game then i can't really consider the game as a bad thing.

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Re: Skyrim

Post by SevenDoubleYou »

Picked it up today... this game is awesome. I highly suggest you get it!!
"Don't you know blackmail is wayyyy uncool?"-Ryo Hazuki