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UAE4ALL rc3 problems

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 7:36 am
by Jay Dee
Been around this website alot and now my first chance to post, shame its a problem :roll:

Recently, I've had the chance to play around with this great port from chui (rc1) and was excited at the prospect of playing on a newer, faster version,see what the ol' girl can do.

However, I've hit a snag. When I come to load a rom file the bios just doesn't want to know (no green loading lights, just the red one).
So i figured thats what the problem was, having used the same rom from the older copy I set about using different rom files, but still I've got no further.

I've only done one cd burn, with all the roms in a subdirectory named 'ROMS' and the other tests have been done on nulldc.

Any ideas?