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Posts: 1
Dreamcast Games you play Online: Phantasy Star Online


Post by Ace-LAN »

Nice to meet you!
It has been a very long time since I've actually used a real forum like this, especially talking in one, as I've always been one of those lurkers, and also stepping away from social media and going the old-school way online :lol:
My name is Ace-LAN (or you can just call me Andrew). I've always had a fascination with the Dreamcast system, but I've unfortunately never had one in possession, so I was only able to experience it on emulators. The reason why I've grown this fascination with the Dreamcast was well... the hardware itself (I guess) and the games ranging from the biggest hits to the most weird oddball games (like Roommania 203 and Sengoku Turb) which left quite a nice impact on me. For games in general, I love action, I love RPG, I love simulators to some extent.
These past couple days, I had a funny idea of making some kind of fan project/homebrew game for the Dreamcast. Sounds very ambitious but I'm taking my sweet time doing research everywhere on this forum as well as other places. Not to mention, as well, in game dev generally I only have experience in Unity and coding in C#, and the thought of having to do C++ programming for the Dreamcast (and doing this the bare-metal way) sounds pretty scary!! So I'm just browsing around in the meantime seeing "where do i start" and once I gain the confidence (and experience) in programming, maybe when I get to making homebrew DC games I can get my feet wet.