Underused 360 needs TLC

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Gold Lion
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Underused 360 needs TLC

Post by Neohound »

My 360 has stood for over 4 years without a game, poor thing. I'm looking to get some of that gaming magic I get with the DC onto the xbox. So far my shortlist consists of Blue Planet, Lost Odyssey, Eternal Sonata, Prey and Alan Wake. Are these any good ?

I'm looking to buy quite a few games over the next month so would welcome your suggestions.

dark night
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Re: Underused 360 needs TLC

Post by Siku »

It really all comes down to your personal preference. Hmm, Blue Planet? I've never heard of that game. You sure you don't mean Blue Dragon or Lost Planet? lol.

I personally think the games you mentioned are great games but Alan Wake for example you might want to rent rather than purchase. It takes roughly 6 to 7 hours to complete and really has no replay value. The same goes for Lost Planet if thats what you meant earlier. It does have multiplayer but it's rather dead now and felt very broken imo.

If you like old school styled JRPGs, especially turn based similar to Final Fantasy then you'll love Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey. Eternal Sonata is more like the newer JRPGs.

And Prey, definitely a hidden FPS jem. Shame it was underrated. Don't get me wrong there are TONS of better FPS games on 360 (afterall that is 360's most selling genre) but it was still one of the most fun to play both single player and multiplayer. Not sure how the multiplayer is on it anymore but I would guess because of Call of Duty and Halo it is probably dead.

Again, it all comes down to personal preference which if I had an idea I would narrow it down some more for you. So, I'll go the default route and the games I would recommend you try I'll cut down into genre's (I'll keep it down to 3 per genre lol) :

Role Playing :
Mass Effect 1&2
Lost Odyssey
Tales of Vesperia

First-Person Shooters :
Call of Duty : Modern Warfare (Play 1 before 2)
Halo : Reach
Battlefield : Bad Company 2

Third-Person Shooters :
Gears of War 1&2
Resident Evil 5
The Bourne Conspiracy

Action/Adventure :
Dark Sector (Extremely cheap, extremely underrated game)
Red Dead Redemption
Devil May Cry 4

Racing :
Midnight Club : LA
Test Drive : Unlimited

Horror :
Dead Space
Left 4 Dead

Strategy :
Civilization Revolution
Halo Wars
Command & Conquer 3 : Tiberium Wars

Fighting :
Super Street Fighter IV
Soul Calibur IV
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger

Another alternative is, head over to IGN.com and look at the list of games and sort it from highest rated to lowest (make you specify of "all-time" in the search otherwise it'll within 30 days) then work your way down and watch some video reviews of them.
--> My YouTube - PSO Texture Edits * PSO Character : Siku (HUmar, Skyly) Lvl 116 *

Gold Lion
Posts: 1612

Re: Underused 360 needs TLC

Post by Neohound »

Thanks for the comprehensive answer. And yes, I did mean Blue Dragon ! lol, I told you I am a 360 noob.

I noticed the 360 has loads of Fps games. To be honest I'm not a huge fan of the genre but playing Half-Life and SOF on DC recently has sparked a bit more interest in them. I ordered Prey and all three on your list.

I also went for Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Eternal Sonata and ME 1&2. So far I've played through Eternal Sonata and absolutely loved it. Can't wait to play the rest. One game I'm hoping IS good is Tales of Vesperia, having just shelled out £80 on your recommendation lol !

The Horror games you mention don't include RE or Silent Hill or Condemned ! Interesting, I honestly hadn't heard of the games you picked, so am proceeding carefully and just ordering one, Left 4 Dead.

I think playing DC so much has meant my gaming taste is definitely a bit left field nowadays but I'm not sure the 360 caters wholly for people brought up on Space Channel Five and JSR ? Although the sequel to Rez is coming out shortly and I will be definitely getting that !

Anyways, I ordered Dark Sector, Alan Wake(itake what you say about this, but I am still interested in it and I got for £10, so hey) and finally Test Drive Unlimited and Forza 3.

Surprisingly cheap haul actually if you dismiss TOV-most of the games were £5-£12. I'm quite pleased overall - that's my next couple of months entertainment sorted :)

Once again, thanks for your help.

dark night
Posts: 55
Location: Brooklyn, NY

Re: Underused 360 needs TLC

Post by Siku »

Glad to help, That's quite a lot of money you spent there lol. Should hold you over well over a few months with those RPGs alone. But wow... £80 for Tales of Vesperia, Ouch! >.<;

Seriously hope you'll like it now lol. Considering you are a DC gamer, if you've played Grandia II then you will probably love Tales of Vesperia. And the art style is similar to Eternal Sonata. The gameplay is alot like the previous "Tales of" games released in the past.

Yeah, Don't think the 360 necessarily caters to DC gamers especially JSR and Space Channel 5. In my opinion the Wii is the closest you'd get to Dreamcast styled gaming out of the three systems of this generation. Ofcourse you can still get some of your fix on 360/PS3 with Sega developed games lol.

Don't get me wrong, Resident Evil 5 is a really great game but it's more of a action/adventure third person shooter than Horror nowadays. The only more recent Horror game that actually made me jump at any point was F.E.A.R. 2.

If your a Xbox Live member feel free to drop me a friend request especially if you end up getting addicted to the FPS game's multiplayers. My gamertag is "Siku". Online multiplayer is a must with Left 4 Dead.

Hey £10 for Alan Wake, not bad at all. You might as well. Nearly the price of a rental anyway. I'm surprised the price has dropped that quick already. Hasn't been out a year yet. Probably tons of used copies out there from the lack of replay-ability which could explain it.

Not a problem. Enjoy your gaming and hopefully you won't regret purchasing any of them. :P
--> My YouTube - PSO Texture Edits * PSO Character : Siku (HUmar, Skyly) Lvl 116 *

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Re: Underused 360 needs TLC

Post by Anthony817 »

Neohound wrote:Anyways, I ordered Dark Sector, Alan Wake(itake what you say about this, but I am still interested in it and I got for £10, so hey) and finally Test Drive Unlimited and Forza 3.
If you have xbox live add me I play TDU and have TDU2 preordered. I also play Battlefield Bad Company 2 and Call of Duty: Black Ops.

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Re: Underused 360 needs TLC

Post by r34per »

my 360 is beginning to be underused itself. ive been playin my dreamcast alot more recently than my 360 or my ps3 for that matter lol.

sum good games for the 360 that i would reccommend is halo reach, lost planet(the first one, 2nd one just wasnt as good), phantasy star, nedd for speed, gears of war, halo wars, and black ops.

also take a look at the indie games and arcade games on themarketplace bc theres sum pretty fun games there annd theyr pretty cheap(most indie games are only a dollar!)
wait and bleed

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Re: Underused 360 needs TLC

Post by comradesnarky »

The 360 really does service a lot of different tastes, the shooters just get the most prominence.

My play time for the 360 has dropped off pretty dramatically after 2008 though. I can't stand the NXE.

Here's some retail games I'd recommend:

Beautiful Katamari - Great, quirky game. Lots of replay value.

BioShock - Incredibly atmospheric shooter. Excellent references to literature.

Condemned: Criminal Origins - This is a really fun game. The weapon variety is a blast. It's only good for one play through, but this is fine since it's ridiculously cheap.

Crackdown - This is an excellent open world game. It's really fun to level your character and collect orbs. It's a blast to get online and play with friends.

Forza series - Incredible racing games. I think that's enough said there.

The Godfather: The Game - A pretty underrated open world game. This was the first free roamer that I actually attempted getting 100% on. Never happened :( (damn safes)

Halo: Reach - I really didn't care for Halo 3. It felt... wrong to me for some reason. Reach is really the whole package, though. Everything you could want in a game is here.

Infinite Undiscovery - An action RPG game. It starts off slow and bland, but it really gets going later on in the game.

Mass Effect - Maybe it was just me, but this was the kind of game I'd always wanted to play. There's a lot of exploration to be done, and the conversation system is really engrossing.

Ninja Gaiden 2 - There was a lot of criticism leveled at this for becoming a... well, level based game, compared to the original where levels where somewhat linked. I think it streamlines the game a lot and makes it far more enjoyable.

The Orange Box - An excellent deal, and it has more of the Half-Life you've been enjoying.

Prince of Persia - It's short, but I had a great time with it. It's an interesting game, the art style is great.

Project Gotham Racing 3 - I don't know if I've ever played a game more than this one. The arcade/realism blend here is perfect.

Silent Hill: Homecoming - This game was another one that got some harsh criticism. I can't figure out for the life of me why, though. It's an excellent little horror game.

Stranglehold - This is like Max Payne turned up to 11 with the story shaved out. Don't go in expecting a lot, and you'll have a blast.

Super Street Fighter IV - IV isn't my favorite game in the series, but it's still great to play with friends.

Table Tennis - A surprisingly deep game. This is another one that should be cheap. It's very addictive, also.

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter - I was surprised at just how fun this game was. I didn't care at all for the earlier Ghost Recon games, but something about this one just clicked with me. Same goes for Rainbow Six Vegas.

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction - Really short, but the price has dropped pretty fast. The game moves very fast and is really cinematic, which makes for good replay value.

Downloadable games:

Banjo-Kazooie - It's a classic game, and having the graphics nice and upscaled is a blast.

Pac-Man Championship Edition - I've always enjoyed Pac-Man but... you know, it's old. It's still a classic, but you know what to expect. Championship Edition has the first new maps they've made for a long time, and they're excellent.

Penny-Arcade Adventures Episode One - An excellent and humorous RPG game. It goes fast, but if you're a Penny-Arcade fan, it's more than worth it.

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: The Game - This is a truly excellent beat 'em up style game. The soundtrack is outstanding. The game starts off slow, but it has a leveling system where you unlock new moves.

Super Street Fighter II: Turbo HD Remix - Super Turbo is my favorite version of Street Fighter II, and seeing it with redrawn HD graphics by Udon is a treat.

Gold Lion
Posts: 1612

Re: Underused 360 needs TLC

Post by Neohound »

Thanks for your suggestions. I've just finished a whole pile of games on the 360 and, while I enjoyed them, I am back on a Dreamcast playing spree :D

I will come back to this thread and try out some of the games you mentioned. I really like the idea of playing a POP game and also Silent Hill, two of my favourite game franchises.