Finally, A Reality Check on the DC Controller

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Re: Finally, A Reality Check on the DC Controller

Post by Maztr_0n »

Snake79 wrote:
Maztr_0n wrote:
Maztr_0n wrote:sadly havent gotten to actually play the dreamcast with the controller yet, hoping to soon but i have fidgeted with it before and honestly its better than i thought, sure i would prefer 2 sticks and 2 additional buttons (be it shoulder buttons or 6 face buttons) i'm sure if the DC was around for longer it would have gotten a radical upgrade. But besides the VMU theres one thing nobody can deny about it... ANALOG TRIGGERS! That changed everything for racing games!
okay i finally got a very nice one in the mail and i sat down with trail version of SA on the generator disc, no vmu yet but so far, better than expected!
I think it also depends what you have used before the Dreamcast. For me coming from the Saturn, it was an evolution on the 3D pad so it felt relatively similar. If you have used more modern controllers and have come to the Dreamcast in the last few years it might feel a bit awkward. The triggers are good though, they sit a bit further back in the hand compared to most modern controllers and are comfortable to use. With the VMU in the controller, I think it is one of the most distinctive controller designs ever created.
well by the time i was born the DC was already dead in the west for a couple of years so honestly when i look at the DC controller i already have everything that came after it engrained into my consciousness, but i try to look at it with some nuance because i need to understand that this is a controller from 1998 and the first of its generation, so honestly from my spoiled modern gaming life it is obviously a downgrade but looking at it as a controller for games of the time its pretty decent. But the first controller i ever used was the original xbox controller so i kind of feel at home with it, it seems like enough of a Next Gen take on the Saturn 3D Pad.
||| She/It ||| Another 365 days to completely waste..! |||

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