Excited & Enthusiastic New Member

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Posts: 11
Dreamcast Games you play Online: Phantasystar online

Excited & Enthusiastic New Member

Post by KrazyKronk »

Hello All,

Having just dusted off my original Dreamcast console from the loft I delighted to see that it works as good as it did when I originally purchased it!

I'm overwhelmed to join your incredible community and thrilled to discover just how popular the console is to this day.

My initial sole reason for plugging in the console was to play phantasy star online and on booting up the disk and hearing the sound track gave me goosebumps and an overwhelming feeling of nostalgia (although sadly I lost my Xploder cheat codes!)

I can see there are many mods that can be made so I will get stuck into the threads as I have a lot to learn but what a fun journey I see ahead in meeting you all and discussing a shared passion.

Thank you for having me & look forward to discussing all things Dreamcast!!! :D

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