Sega saturn HELLSLAVE : Project Z-Treme Version 2020 2.04 HDMI 60fps Real hardware BY XL2

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Ian Micheal
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Sega saturn HELLSLAVE : Project Z-Treme Version 2020 2.04 HDMI 60fps Real hardware BY XL2

Post by Ian Micheal »

Download here ... treme.724/

The game
-Shareware edition (ok, let's just call it a free demo!)
-Fully 3D engine, the Z-Treme Engine, expanding on the Sonic Z-Treme engine from 2018 (but almost everything was rewritten, so at this point it's not the same thing at all), which makes uses of both SH2 cpus, SCU DSP, VDP1 and VDP2.
-4 players splitscreen deathmatch and 2 players splitscreen coop! The campaign is fully playable in coop!
-Gouraud shading lighting everywhere, with realtime lighting supporting up to 8 dynamic light sources per vertex.
-Fully 3D weapons and enemies with AI, animation and lighting - Even the flying body parts have realtime lighting applied to them!
-High res 64x64 textures (for the Saturn)
-Brand new original 3d rendering code, matrix, vertex transformation, lighting system, polygon creation, collision, AI, etc.
-Fully 3d engine using binary space partition with a PVS+portals occlusion culling system : somewhat similar to the technology used in Quake on PC, but fully running on the Saturn!
-Real transparency : water, light flares, clouds, windows, etc.
-Realtime reflections.
-Realtime reflections + dynamic lighting + realtime transparency : Look at a window, and you might see yourself and the room you are in... and also see the outside world! Try that on the PS1!
-The highest 3d enemy count for a FPS on the Saturn : 20+ enemies on screen, x 2 in coop mode!
-Way improved culling and low distortion (no more polygons disappearing in your face, no more polygons dancing in your face à la PS1).
-No draw distance limit : the engine doesn't even have a far plane for frustum culling!
-New and fully original matrix, vertex transformation, lighting calculation, polygon creation and polygon sorting code, mostly in C.
-High amount of particles and flying body parts everywhere.
-Doors, keycards, platforms and triggers allow more interesting gameplay.
-3d pad optimized. 4 players Mouse and keyboards supported! Just plug your mouses in the mutitap in port 2, while the gamepads or keyboards will go to the multitap in port 1.
-4 difficulty levels : easy, normal, hard and the hidden nightmare mode!
-No "protect a braindead NPC" missions!
-No cutscenes or boring story interrupting the gameplay!

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Shark Patrol
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Re: Sega saturn HELLSLAVE : Project Z-Treme Version 2020 2.04 HDMI 60fps Real hardware BY XL2

Post by Anthony817 »

I have been following this project closely for the past few years since it used to be over at Assembler and specifically a Sonic fan game. I have been secretly hoping and praying for somebody to port this to DC when it releases and he has the full source out there. Not sure if he did for the latest but the old Saturn version was available. Imagine how far this engine could stretch it's legs on the DC! Full hardware rendering and all.

I think taking a project like this created for a less powerful hardware and pushing it further on a system like the DC is the way to go if we want a good custom engine that can be utilized to the fullest. Quake is amazing and all, but we are always limited by what we can do with it due to how hard it pushes the DC's memory. Something like this made for the Saturn would seriously let us push it so much further than even those native Quake ports on DC.

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Re: Sega saturn HELLSLAVE : Project Z-Treme Version 2020 2.04 HDMI 60fps Real hardware BY XL2

Post by mistamontiel »

..I think once he abandons the glory of Saturn having an actual Sonic game everyone myself included lost interest

Now another trillion Quake 2 ports

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Re: Sega saturn HELLSLAVE : Project Z-Treme Version 2020 2.04 HDMI 60fps Real hardware BY XL2

Post by ShadowGeist »

mistamontiel wrote:everyone myself included lost interest

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Ian Micheal
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Re: Sega saturn HELLSLAVE : Project Z-Treme Version 2020 2.04 HDMI 60fps Real hardware BY XL2

Post by Ian Micheal »

mistamontiel wrote:..I think once he abandons the glory of Saturn having an actual Sonic game everyone myself included lost interest

Now another trillion Quake 2 ports
It's not quake or a port of quake

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Re: Sega saturn HELLSLAVE : Project Z-Treme Version 2020 2.04 HDMI 60fps Real hardware BY XL2

Post by mistamontiel »

I've not played Saturn really until getting one in the end of 2019 lol n after some genuine games and a hundred burns couldn't a Sonic just have kept her from its tarnisht reputation >.<


A new engine I 'knew' sorry!

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Ian Micheal
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Re: Sega saturn HELLSLAVE : Project Z-Treme Version 2020 2.04 HDMI 60fps Real hardware BY XL2

Post by Ian Micheal »

mistamontiel wrote:I've not played Saturn really until getting one in the end of 2019 lol n after some genuine games and a hundred burns couldn't a Sonic just have kept her from its tarnisht reputation >.<


A new engine I 'knew' sorry!
depends if you believe the rubbish that was said about it.. to me it's still my fav we just never seen the dual core pushed or what it could really do.. a common sega thing even on the dreamcast..

Dreamcast should never been released in 1998 2000 maybe with a dvd drive and 32mb ram and we not be talking about the failed dreamcast console like it was but how great it was.

Saturn had a few more years left deep fear shows this they where just starting to know how to use the hardware.. cut short in showing it's best for a botched dreamcast launch..

I seen a few dev interviews today and they said they no where near maxed out what the saturn could so 3d wise or anything else. 1997 they just got more easy to use tools which would of let games show that off then it was stop..

to me this tarnish rep is by sony fan boys or some missguided notion that the saturn cant do 3D as well as the ps1 it could and only using 1 cpu.. so with one hand tied behind it's back it got close most times to a so called good 3D console.

1 homebrew dev shows an engine with 8 light sources and dynamic lighting and other effects using dual coure 4 play split screen still running at 30fps on one screen .. The n64 or ps1 could not get close to that..

SO tarnished by miss info missguided reviews comparing sloppy ps1 ports using half the saturns hardware is what got to be popular bashing and that it's a 2d power house and thats all.. while it is a 2d power house used correct it can do more light sources at once then the dreamcast can..

it's a very powerful 3D console as well used correct we would seen some good stuff only possible using it's custom hardware..

As for a sonic game i dont doubt there was many even proto types we have never seen.. but that was gear towards them leaving it for the dreamcast launch.. devs had packed up shop in 1996 and had dreamcast proto type hardware and dev kit specs.. any sonic game was going to be left for the heavy hitting of a new console.

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Ian Micheal
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Re: Sega saturn HELLSLAVE : Project Z-Treme Version 2020 2.04 HDMI 60fps Real hardware BY XL2

Post by Ian Micheal »

mistamontiel wrote:..I think once he abandons the glory of Saturn having an actual Sonic game everyone myself included lost interest

Now another trillion Quake 2 ports
He has not done that and totaly from scratch redid this groudn up rewrite of the demo shown at e3 like thing in 1997

but it's better then what they did..

Marvel at the power speed real time reflection of what the saturn can do and by a homebrew dev..
this not some recompile of the src this written by him to match the footage shown of this ..
I have no doubt the saturn can handle a fast 3d sonic adventure style game.

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Shark Patrol
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Re: Sega saturn HELLSLAVE : Project Z-Treme Version 2020 2.04 HDMI 60fps Real hardware BY XL2

Post by dark »

Looks awesome, both the FPS demo video and the sonic boss fight video. I too enjoyed watching the progress on this stuff at assemblergames and have been out of the loop on it since that site went down. So is Sonic Zstreme still in production or discontinued?

On the subject of a sonic 3d game on saturn, my gut feeling is that it would be hard to do a Sonic Adventure game just based on the more limited ram on the saturn, that this would make it so the game worlds/level sections would need to be much smaller than Sonic Adventure on DC, and this was perhaps why Sonic Xtreme went for the globe-like levels... a way to have a smaller playfield.

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Ian Micheal
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Re: Sega saturn HELLSLAVE : Project Z-Treme Version 2020 2.04 HDMI 60fps Real hardware BY XL2

Post by Ian Micheal »

It would of been on smaller scale but i see no why it could not been done well just might shown people what dual process could do on a console. It's a shame the Saturn is so put down and called a 2d power house only.. Because it can in the right hands be almost the most powerful console of that time.

It takes work thought and really using the custom hardware. Higher class of developer .. Time = money.. For me it's more amazing then a dreamcast .. some of the things it did like printer keyboard digital camera which parts came later for the dreamcast..

Lack of ram might not been a problem since you could use up to 8mb upgrade cart plug in..

Ram limit could be got around with a ram cart that could have been included with the game

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