Skies of Arcadia uncensored version

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Gold Lion
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Skies of Arcadia uncensored version

Post by fafadou »


We are doing an uncensored version of Skies of Arcadia, instead PAL version (from japanese_cake patch VGA release) with JAP skins that have be change like this one : ... &mode=view

We are going on well, but I would like to use this project for trying to import some models and skins from gamecube version like Vyse and Alfonso : ... 042773.jpg ... 417990.jpg

so I had a look on datas. There are stored identically but as we know the gamecube version is quite compress and for a file with textures like player.MLD (we can find Vyse textures here), I have this :

All files are compresses by the same way.
Do you have any idea how I could I unzip the files ?

[EDIT] : I did a mistake, I find some help on obscure gamer forum :
"Skies of Arcadia Legends files are AKLZ encrypted, use this command line tool to decrypt them (made by ADnova): ... 0/aklz.exe

To decompress a file:
aklz -d inputFileName.sct -o outputFileName.sct

-d for decompress
-o for output

But don't work...

May you can suggest me a gamecube forum where I could find some help please ?

[EDIT3 from 06/05/2023] here the final version of Skies of Arcadia Uncensored version with good music for the intro :

Japanese speech, PAL version so 4 langages, patch VGA from japanese_cake and this version is 60hz and NTSC console / RGB SCART / CRT compatible :

English speech, PAL version so 4 langages, patch VGA from japanese_cake and this version is 60hz and NTSC console / RGB SCART / CRT compatible :
Only with 1 disc, you have the piano music for the title screen from the OST bonus.

Here the widescreen 16/9 version for vost Japanese speech : ... wh.7z/file
English speech : ... wh.7z/file

And now the US version uncensored !
Here the US uncensored version :
English speech :
the new jap version :

This version has good intro in vga, and better musics that I may read, but the files are the same than PAL for me...
If someone has the 16/9 widescreen hex code I'll add it.
Last edited by fafadou on Thu Jun 15, 2023 1:04 pm, edited 15 times in total.

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Black Mesa
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Re: Skies of Arcadia uncensored version

Post by deluxux »

Cool Project!
Can you add in this GC mod? :D
Follow that page they have a few SOA mods and tools and stuff, try sending them an email?

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Gold Lion
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Re: Skies of Arcadia uncensored version

Post by fafadou »

Thanks :-)

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Re: Skies of Arcadia uncensored version

Post by kremiso »

absolutely not sure, but looking in the screenshot you posted, the gamecube one seems not compressed.
maybe just made with a new version of the same program perhaps, and so not compatible?

can you share directly only the two same files here (dc and gamecube) or via pm as i/others can check?

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Gold Lion
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Re: Skies of Arcadia uncensored version

Post by fafadou »

Sure take them : ...

The files have the same name and are often smaller on gamecube.
If you look closely you can read "NMLD" and "objelayerAct" you can obviously perceive in gamecube version, it's why I guess it's downsample.
The other strange thing it's I know on dreamcast you are in little endian then big endian on gamecube but it looks it's the same format.

Thanks for your help :-)

Black Mesa
Posts: 1497

Re: Skies of Arcadia uncensored version

Post by SMiTH »

I remember looking at the gamecube/dreamcast soa files in the past..
I also wanted to make mods for this game..

fafadou, I suggest that you pm YZB.
more than likely you have already done this?
megavolt posted YZB's username in another forum in some random thread here.
maybe pm megavolt for that info?

good luck and I know you will figure it out.

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Gold Lion
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Re: Skies of Arcadia uncensored version

Post by fafadou »

He help us recently for recvx project.
But hé said me hé didn't have time to help more.
The first person view for recvx is still not finish since that...
I can request him again but not sure about the result.
I request also a GameCube emulator forum "Dolphin"
They released a HD version.
But no answer neither...
Thanks anyway :-)

Black Mesa
Posts: 1497

Re: Skies of Arcadia uncensored version

Post by SMiTH »


Just did a quick google search, (you probably have all this info already)

Also you posted in the right forums, if any1 has the knowledge they will more than likely chime in.
Maybe post on the skies of arcadia reddit also?

If you could find TuxTheWise he might be able to help?

Too bad the pso forums are gone, there were some talented modders that were good at creating scripts and applications to extract/archive/compress/etc models/skins. The format was obviously different but they had the skills to create the tools from scratch. I think it was .nj and .njm or something like that? maybe try using webarchive and searching pso forums?




Is there anything in the beta that could be added to a mod of the full version? ... prototype)


My old post LOL:




????: ... ture_hack/

MLD is a filetype used exclusively in Skies of Arcadia/Eternal Arcadia/Legends. Legends still uses MLDs, but they are encrypted with AKLZ encryption, an encryption used exclusively in Legends. This is part of why certain tools only work with the Dreamcast versions while some tools only work with the Gamecube versions. MLD files are like a bundle of information that can include a lot of things or very little. This includes 3D models, rigging/skinning information, UV layout, diffuse textures, alpha maps, animation data, and more.

----- ... re_Dumping

Sprite/Texture Dumping

Sprite/texture dumping in Dolphin is a very simple process. Here is how it's done:

Launch Dolphin.
Click on "Options", and then "Graphics Settings" from the drop-down menu. Make sure you have the right graphics card in order to view the game.
In the Graphics Configuration window, click on the "Advanced" tab, then check the "Dump Textures" box.
Close the window, then select and launch the game you want to rip from.
Play up to the point that has the sprites or textures you want to rip. Once you get everything you need, close or pause the game.
Now go to Documents\Dolphin Emulator\Dump\Textures\[game ID]. View files by Large Icons or Extra Large Icons, and sort by Date Modified. This will help you find what you need easier.


Ripping Tutorials

Open Noesis and browse to where the files are located.
Double-click on a model file to open it. The model should appear in the window, and if available, its animations will also be playing.
Right-click on the file of the model you just opened, then choose "Export" from the drop-down list. A dialog window should appear.
Choose the formats you want to export the model and textures as, choose the directory you want to extract them to, check the "No animations" checkbox (optional), then click the "Export" button. Once it is finished, you should get a message saying, "Export complete." Click the "OK" button, then click "Close".
Last edited by SMiTH on Sat Sep 26, 2020 11:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Skies of Arcadia uncensored version

Post by cloofoofoo »

Ive done some model swapping like over a decade ago for skies of arcadia. I managed to load the cutscene model with fingers before on the battlefield. Problem was it would have no animation and could only normal attack because it would crash if you tried a special attack. Later i learned you cant simply swap because the cutscene models unlike the battlefield models are bundled together with other models like the whole scene.

Iam sure this isnt helpful at all but maybe if you could seperate the specific model you wanted that could work? But then that probably still leaves the lack of animation.

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Re: Skies of Arcadia uncensored version

Post by kremiso »

amazing find guys
wondering if this tool can be also useful to manage that encrypted gc models (i can't test atm lol) :

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