Xeno Crisis Dreamcast Gameplay

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Re: Xeno Crisis Dreamcast Gameplay

Post by dubcity »

Got my digital copy thru email. Game is awesome.

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Re: Xeno Crisis Dreamcast Gameplay

Post by DCGX »

Got my digital copy too and still waiting on my physical copy. It was in LA on Saturday, then New York City on Sunday (I'm in Michigan).

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Wrath of Khan
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Re: Xeno Crisis Dreamcast Gameplay

Post by Wrath of Khan »

Got mine. Haven't tried it yet but I will. Bet its great

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Re: Xeno Crisis Dreamcast Gameplay

Post by DCGX »

Got my copy as well yesterday, but also didn't have time to play. Hopefully I'll have some time today.

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Re: Xeno Crisis Dreamcast Gameplay

Post by DCGX »

I played for about an hour a half last night, all with the Twin Sticks. Overall, it's really good. The action is quick, the sound both music and voice is excellent and there's a good challenge here.

I do have some gripes, though.

First, while the music is great, there isn't much of it and the loops are short. I feel your hit box is too big. There's clear daylight between me and an enemy or bullet and I'll take a hit. Speaking of the bullets, it would be nice if the enemy's bullets were a different color than your character's bullets. The bullets can get lost easily. The Twin Stick works great, but it would've been nice if they had the controls listed in the manual. You can pick them up right away, but since the buttons on it aren't labeled, it's still a guessing game at first. Also, if you try to roll when against the wall, even if you are ever so slightly pushing in the direction of the wall, you won't roll at all. There's also no indication of any point when the game is loading, and no option to load/save a game (not something I typically use when there's auto-save, but most games still have the option).

But my biggest gripe is with how high scores are handled. It's nice to have the high score and current score on screen as you play, but the lack of any sort of leaderboard almost defeats the purpose of the game, which is to go for high scores. That, and both difficulties go towards the same high score. So I set my high score on Easy, but since I haven't beaten that score when playing on Hard yet, I have no idea what my best score on Hard is unless I write it down somewhere. It's a curious omission.

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Wrath of Khan
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Re: Xeno Crisis Dreamcast Gameplay

Post by Wrath of Khan »

Fun and bombastic. I need to play more though...

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Re: Xeno Crisis Dreamcast Gameplay

Post by lozz »

I've finally got round to giving Xeno Crisis some play time. Overall I think it's a excellent release: fun gameplay, good presentation and music, and at fairly reasonable price.

The main issue I'm having is that I'm finding it impossible to progress past the boss in the forest level (on easy) and with each attempt to beat it I need to re-do all the preceding levels first. I do appreciate that this may have been a conscious decision by the developers, and it is in keeping with the arcade feel of the game. However, after a while it gets repetitive and takes away from my enjoyment a little.

What strategies have you guys used to get far (or even complete) the game? Is it a case of getting really good at using the roll mechanic? Have you found that certain controllers are better than others? Do you aim to collect all the dogtags and upgrade your character, or avoid contact with the enemies at the cost of losing some? Any tips would be welcome!

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Gold Lion
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Re: Xeno Crisis Dreamcast Gameplay

Post by fafadou »

I'm still looking for finding a second player for this one.
Too hard for most of them :lol:

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